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Playstation Tablet

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Playstation Tablet last won the day on September 16 2023

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  1. The MIC and lobbyists making money of this don't care who is going to win.
  2. Russia gets 600k a year getting a Russian passport from other regions while Ukraine barely pumps 100k a year. The situation is so shit it will take Ukraine 10 years to match what Russia accepts ad citizen a year.
  3. I just passed the Crimean bridge and am in my vacation house on Alyshta the second biggest sea side resort after Yalta. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&sca_esv=bb7869262e6227ae&sxsrf=ACQVn09IAihEXuDlG8Pwb5q8RnPN7Mo47g:1713634011612&q=алушта&uds=AMwkrPsKdw6NKXr7dpE0DWrb0bVbq7iZCbJ70scSD8BTq__t2doJZ1JfomtMtwCIrV9bVicfhXUKtcyMeMFnGNqUKCyWBiAD8hJtcB7DsgH85o7pm2OznwnQdXyIjTehpFknU0BAXB-SNqngyXImWJO-3QqFu4-JLJzR6luYtDZswaXgVQLw89qFo4oqxUCbxTdfqXxwYkPRAq4FR0S37-J6_U4pNprHh7YKShQDOd61iuNpk7uOL0zJ1aDTD7KvaebJhyv3QEF8&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbz&
  4. Realistically what needs to be done on this territory is the import of Tajiks and Uzbeks since they will RUN to the salaries Russia pays for construction and get them to stay. Then they should have free scholarships for Indians and Africans. Otherwise this territory what will be in Russia's hands won't have the demographics to support itself. What's left of Ukraine. Forget it. If anything people will be migrating OUT of that territory asap. It's literally doomed.
  5. It's an obvious troll Russia is importing african migrants for a lot of work like construction and many come to study.
  6. The Scorpio failed so badly that NS isn't even attempting a new one with the Series consoles.
  7. If I was in the US I would become a wielder. No need for college and pays out the ass.
  8. A Ukranian demographer said if the war stops today Ukraine would need 4.5-8 million working migrants to have a functioning economy. Sounds stable. Plus don't forget they are racist fucks to non white people.
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