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Playstation Tablet

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Posts posted by Playstation Tablet


    Looking at the demo, it's clear that the single-platform approach has benefits - including a choice of three well optimised graphics modes. In this case the performance and balanced modes target 60fps - via differing approaches to image quality - while a resolution mode opts for 30fps while pushing for 4K visuals. With the demo content available then, it makes sense to zero in on what the best mode is likely to be in the final game, as well as sample some of its visual high points.


    Speaking on the modes, let's go straight for the jugular with frame-rate testing. The balanced mode is up first, which is rightly the default option. It's also the most interesting of the three modes, as it aims to give you the best of both worlds: a 4K image at 60fps. Of course, the 4K output here is achieved via temporal reconstruction, likely either AMD's FSR2 or Epic's TUAA. That means the base resolution being fed into the reconstruction is much lower than 4K, and in balanced mode the bounds appear to rest between 1080p and 1440p - with the most typical number coming at 1296p


    To put this into perspective, let's bring in the other two modes. The performance mode, for instance, runs at a native 1440p with a conventional (non-temporal) upscale. You get 60fps this way and pixel counts show it's a true 1440p most of the time. Lastly we have the resolution mode, which runs at 4K native at 30fps. In this case, 4K is the typical figure based on most counts, though I did spot a minor drop to 2070p in one stress point. For the image quality purist, the resolution mode is a great option, but only if you're able to accept playing at 30fps - a big ask giving the timing-sensitive nature of the combat.


    If you do want that perfect 60fps lock, the performance mode is the only option that delivers it at this stage. Despite the more visually noisy image, the game still looks great and visual settings are on par with the other modes as we mentioned before. I'm glad Shift Up included this option overall, just as a form of backup in case the 50-60fps range in the balanced mode is intolerable to some players - especially those without VRR displays. Throughout the entire one-hour sample there really isn't much to complain about here. Cutscenes flow at a fluid 60fps, as do all the stress points we saw earlier. It's incredibly straightforward in setup, with 1440p being the typical resolution, and it just goes to show the performance overhead on the GPU is well managed to keep 60fps in place. We'll see if this holds true in the final game, but so far, so good.


    My recommendation would still be the balanced mode, as it seems to offer the best trade-off between image quality and 60fps responsiveness. Speaking to the frame-rate, there is one more catch worth bearing in mind: the balanced mode isn't a 100 percent locked 60fps. There are minor drops under the target frame-rate, with the demo operating in the 50fps to 60fps region at multiple points in the demo. Interestingly the cutscenes are well optimised for 60fps, as are the boss battles, so arguably you're getting that 60fps when you're most likely to need and notice it - and those with VRR displays will be able to smooth out the few drops that do occur. Still, hopefully the balanced mode will fare even better by launch, even if it takes settings tweaks to accomplish this.
    • aitch 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    It's still vaporware as far as I'm concerned, literally only seen a logo in 7 years.

    While true Nintendo does have a tendency to reveal games closer to release, and it's very likely that a reveal is dependent on the Switch 2 reveal.

  3. On 2023-09-20 at 7:36 PM, Twinblade said:

    look at how flat and low poly that environment is but somehow it’s too much for PS3 according to Aza.

    It has an improved SMT4 shader and lightning system. Those tank Switch to 15fps in SMT5. To say this is a PS3 game is insane, it's probably too much of a hassle to even port to the OG Switch due to requirements.

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