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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Humanitarian aid to Kerson and Kharkov. Hopefully soon thru fix supply logistics so local shops can be supplied.
  2. Zelensky's change of tune is amazing. Russians and Ukranoans are one brother nation, we fought and defeated the Nazis together. It's going to be amazing how the tune changes when Russia takes even more territory and obloterates the remaining army.
  3. I'm not sure how you imagine a Russia invasion. This isn't napoleon or Hitler times. Biden riding in on an Abrahams tank into red square?
  4. The point is to lay down arms and not listen to idiots like Zelensky that sends civilians to certain death. Molotov vs a tank and people with guns that know how to use them. Fantastic idea.
  5. In a month or so when the regime is changed partitioning of Ukraine starts the West will start to have a much more "negotiable" position and fatigue will be already kicking in. With Ukraine's fall which is inevitable it will partly d escalate the confrontation.
  6. Kharkov and Mariupol the civilians are contacting and giving the Russian army coordinates to bomb the nationalist battalions with precision bombs to prevent civilian lose as much as possible.
  7. First Molotov ambush attempted in all the 5 regions Russia is in. Molotov are a police operation using them against trained soldiers is suicide. Here is the ambush. All of them dead before they managed to throw a single cocktails...
  8. The IUS will threaten nukes easily. Just not over something as far away and fairly irrelevant to them like Ukraine. Russia threatened nukes so no one else gets involved. Nuke threat? Taiwan and China Cuban Missile crisis. US will threaten nukes over something more relevant. Nuke threat was mostly so the US pits a leash from Poland getting involved. That's about it.
  9. Plus if two nuclear countries go into high alert it can cause unneeded mistakes. But I'd like to remind you China was going to take back Taiwan during their civil war, and US stopped them because they said they would nuke them. So that position... Is very relative.
  10. Dude. This Ukraine. No one is risking nuclear war for Kherson, Kharkov, Zitomir or fucking Lvov. For the US Ukraine isn't much different in terms of perception or importance than Gabon or Burundi. The only value it has is that it borders Russia and you can put missiles and military infrastructure next to Russia. That's it. If Georgia didn't border Russia do you think the US would ever give any flying fucks about it for example? This is a very wise decision.
  11. The area was taken in the first 2 days. They are WAY South of it surrounding Kiev in the outskirts now on the North. Don't worry.
  12. US just stopped it's nuclear launches to demonstrate they aren't in high nuclear alert unlike Russia. Really good news. Looks like US is giving signals nuclear threats are off the table. Good for everyone IMO. The Pentagon called Russia on the second day to make a channel about nuclear control between the two. Russia didn't pick up the phone.
  13. The US never had any other plans than using Ukraine as cannon fodder against Russia, the IS will fight Russia till the last Ukranian but that's about it.
  14. Britain basically exaplaines their plan before Russia wins and takes Kiev. Regime changes etc. It was regime change in Russia either through civil unrest or the Western view that ologarchs will overthrlw Putin anyday now. After the operation is complete, the West will be forced to negotiate.
  15. So we're is that 69 kilometer convoy. Because it's been a over a day and there is zero footage and it sounds like propaganda garbage. It's also easy to debunk like 90 percent of the stuff posted here because the information in English sources is just wrong. Im not even sure if it Western propaganda even, or lack of understanding of the situation. Using Ukranian officials as legit news sources is as laughable as listening to the Iraqi officials during the US invasion.
  16. Worse things happened in Donetsk they were given 8 years of peace talks to prevent a war. Or did the Kiev regime think only Donetsk would burn? That it could never go back to Kiev itself?
  17. I think the Pro mode has been moved to being Switch 2. So it's far away now.
  18. Apparently "elite chechen" Groups were supposed to take him out. You know the guys that stick out like a sore thumb, don't speak Ukrainian, and speak Russian with am accent. Makes total sense. Use them instead of the 4 million Ukranians residing in Russia. Brain dead propaganda.
  19. What Ukraine and West did in Donetsk was worse yet for 8 years no one gave a fuck. Everyone crying about a humanitarian crisis now? Remember when they cut off water and electricity for Crimea? Ohh yeah everyone supported it.
  20. Blinken state secretary said he wants negotiations. Then Zelensky said he's ready for Putin negotiations. There the puppet clown got his Biden order.
  21. American dude married to a Ukranian lived in Kharkov. Now stuck in Kiev. He gets it.
  22. What Russia IS zerg rushing as well is the nuclear power plants the largest one already taken next to the Donetsk region West. There are 6 in total.
  23. I have no idea what parallel reality you guys live in but the plan isn't to zerg rush Kiev and it's not even the main battlefield. At least not yet. I even have doubts if they will try to storm Koev and no just keep it blocked. See the blue line that's in an encirclement now? That's where all the combat ready forces are on the front lines of donetsk. The rush was to encircle them from South and North without letting them retreat to Kiev. Thats where like 70 percent of the Ukr army is thats equipped and trained. Then next goal is to cut off the sea access with only Odessa be
  24. That's absolutely fake. How did it get to Kiev? Through which highway and why are there no videos of such a mythical convoy posted by anyone. Russian or Ukrainian side be it coming from Russia is going through Ukraine.
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