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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. I think Bayonetta with proper marketing would sell best on PS and PC. The audiences are more suited to that style of game.
  2. PS3 had gyro and 2006. Well Warhawk and Lair... everyone remembers those disasters.
  3. But its sad when trash sells 10+ million on Switch while Bayo 2 scrap by with a million sales. It's not PG's fault gamers got shit taste.
  4. PS5 vs PS4 in another video Guerrilla's assistance in Death Stranding lead to improvements in the decima engine Res/Performance modes Res mode is dynamic 4K/30 (mostly 2160p) Perf is dynamic 1800p/60 with checkerboarding Res mode is way less blurry than Perf mode little differences other than screen space reflections and screen space shadows ground texture resolution is way higher than ZD, material properties in ground foliage is vastly improved nearly all vegetation reacts to the character, tall grass has trails left behind when walked through
  5. They should give an action JRPG a shot with some MP elements. That should get good. Not full GAAS trash.
  6. I don't care who buys them as long as it's not GAAS. Square, Sony, Nintendo, MS. I don't give a fuck
  7. Obviously but the Christian good girl aspect makes it funny. EDIT - Plus we need a new thread change once a while.
  8. I think it has a shot at 90 Meta. If garbage like Mario Odyssey can get it, when OG Horizon is a much better game.
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