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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. It's fantastic how a few years ago everyone thought the only games people would play would be GAAS. Now time has passed and it has been shown GAAAS are exceptionally high risk, and no more lower risk or less profitable than SP games. If you really want to succeed you need to make BOTH.
  2. Not sure what Ghostz is celebrating. If Gamepass is on PS5, then ALL of MS first party games will be on PS5.
  3. Phil Spencer Interview with Stephen Totilo - Biggest goal is to reach a larger audience for Xbox Game Studios
  4. COD SP games need to be phenomenal to have good sales without the MP component being attached.
  5. But shit is literally F2P. Like... FREE TO PLAY. Doesn't even require a purchase or a game pass sub. Imagine if it did. It'd be even deader.
  6. If a F2P Halo game can't keep an strong active userbase after a few months, this GAAS shit isn't all it's made out to be.
  7. Because PS/Switch are proven markets with real consumers and gamers. While the cloud audience is some account's and marketing department's pipe dream at this point and has nothing to do with reality. I mean Stadia isn't even doing "poorly" it's literally dead. I wonder if it even has like 100k active users a month at this point, if not sub 50k.
  8. 70 billion spent and this has less consequence for SW.com that the purchase of Ninja Theory or Obsidian lawlz.
  9. Also note that the Deviation (Ex COD) and Jade Raymond + Cerny persistent world game etc will be under PS STudios. Bungie ISN'T part of PS Studios it seems.
  10. All of Sony's GAAS games from what I understand in the future will be PS5/PC day. It makes too much sense. I think the era of PS only MP games is over. They can't release an MP game later on PC by 1 year because it's not a SP game, they're "alive" and they have to launch at the same time. Now what ALSO really needs to happen is full PSVR2 support on PC, maybe not day 1. But it has to happen
  11. Kinda makes you wonder if the PS5 version has the distance fog PS4 version has. That long PS4 Pro footage was foggy as fuck. I doubt there is any difference between base and Pro outside of resolution.
  12. Honestly PS5 Pro is when we can see some real RT especially if AMD makes some performance improvements to their tech. PS5 RT is more of a novelty, but yes an option is better than no option.
  13. I read their open store policy I honestly still don't understand what it even means in practice. It's very unspecific and not very commited to something. Maybe someone else can make more sense out of it than me.
  14. They're clearly going to be doing $60-$70 releases of COD on PS5 in the future. While Gamepass on PS at least for now is under question. Plus they'll release $60-$70 versions of COD even on XBox or PC, even if COD is one game pass.
  15. Destiny staying multiplat isn't suprising. But it seems the next Bungie IP will also be multiplat. But then again when Sony says multiplat it just means PS5/PC. But I think in Bungie's case at least it will be a real multiplat.
  16. A Sony store is so DOA they're just better off paying the 30% cut to steam.
  17. It's honestly easier to run clever marketing than it will ever be to find a replacement for the 200+ million userbase of Nintendo + Sony combined.
  18. I think they might port the campaigns now if they are bi-annual instead of annual. More time to port. Though I'm not really sure if bi-annual campaigns was even an MS decision, seems like it was Activision's idea with the release of Warzone.
  19. If Gamepass ever shows up on PS it will be like EA Access. Only MS games, Sony gets a cut, and there will be no GamePass Ultimate with PS included in it.
  20. So in the end this was all about boosting Gamepass with COD it seems at the end of the day. I mean if they got money to spare and eventually make the purchase back - Why not?
  21. It's 2160p Checkerboard on PS5, defacto 1440p. They'll need to drop ther resolution hard for RT.
  22. Thing is its very possible that they didn't know if they would release COD on PS. I assume this statement comes after negotiating with Sony behind back doors.
  23. Nah. The 30fps mode graphics would take a major hit to add RT. Just not worth the visual sacrifice. This gen's RT trade offs are huge. Maybe next gen.
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