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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. If someone really cares about tech that much they get a PC end of story. Consoles are for people that want decent tech at good prices but they aren't an alternative to a high end PC.
  2. How much you want to bet Phil Spencer is a secret tranny chaser.
  3. A bunch of serial killers obviously. It has a chance of being great.
  4. Dying Light is meh but I love the series. Call of Juarez series.
  5. So damn good, going to replay it when Papa Nier is added.
  6. Honestly at this point there seems to be nothing brave about it, it's so routine by the point.
  7. My issue with the spiderman franchise is all the games have to take place in Manhattan. It's always the same city.
  8. What's the point of releasing games when you can't find a PS5. I bet June well still have massive shortages.
  9. I'll give it a shot since I think I might like this more than Odyssey
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