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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Maybe Cory's new IP. It seems it's re confirmed that the new San Diego studio is Uncharted. Also Guerilla's second team working on a MP game. PS5 first party sound pretty promising.
  2. This gen they'll have some games even now they have a few decent games. I'm currently not sure leaning towards PC, but could get an XBox.
  3. Also Zelda TP I might finally beat it with a Dualshock instead of a god damn Wiimote.
  4. This is awesome, downloaded Timesplitters and Metal Arms Glitch in the system. This system aged so much better than Wii due to such unreliable controls.
  5. The shooting is so poor, level design is atrocious. Hermits fuck you for overating these games.
  6. Days Gone is split into two parts, the second one is much better.
  7. Honestly though I hate the trademark clunkiness of the franchise. It's like they'll never make it more fluid.
  8. Switch has a fairly sizable exclusive line up, I understand if you were emulating it. But it has so many great interesting niche games. And it's only been out for 3 years.
  9. I'd love a raid mode like the revelation games had, those were really fun loot challenges.
  10. It looks like a legit persona game not a persona warrior skin.
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