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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Im so sick of Souls like its becoming one of the moat overcrowed genres. Plus no mattet how good no one does it better than from soft.
  2. Trump is still healthy but hes 80 years old still. I think both candidates need to be younger.
  3. Reddit, neogaf, resetera would auto ban you for half the posts we make here.
  4. Biden at times was speaking in shizophernic like word salads.
  5. One of the best 360 Early Games. But there is still a lot to modernize imo.
  6. Phil promised the largest jump in Graphics of any XBOx gen. Which leads me to believe theyll probably an expensive ass Xbox made by a third party imo
  7. I think this will be a big test If Switch 2 can handle ray tracing in Games. Its the perfect game for that, with nvidias ray tracing reconstruction since its already 60fps.
  8. Thats pretty cool, im sure these parties were really fun back in the day.
  9. It is a huge step up from Prime remastered. Especially the forest scene at the end.
  10. Looks awesome for a Switch game. I think everyone is waiting for Switch 2 to play this game though.
  11. Demons Souls and Uncharted 2 the same year turned the gen around for Sony.
  12. Yeah MSs plan to start next gen Early isnt going to work out like the 360 back in the day.
  13. But the third party joycons especiallu If you play Portable.
  14. But the third party joycons especiallu If you play Portable.
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