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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. This game is kicking ass. 60fps with ray tracing.
  2. https://www.resetera.com/threads/ps5-is-very-silent-according-to-the-previews.300206/
  3. If the president of the IS dies from corona imagine how badly the world economy will tank.
  4. Smoking weed, driving cars, fucking bitches.
  5. Reminds me the left in Europe, before the Islam demographic they a very unpopular marginalized political movement, and appealing to Muslims gave the a reliable political base to become politically relevant.
  6. If this kiddy garbage sells to the Rocket League audience and Sony makes more of this trash.
  7. Switch is a side system I think everyone has accepted it at this point. When they try to port games with full seperate versions like Doom the whole thing takes like a year. No publisher has the time and resources to do this with the majority of games.
  8. I hear buying out a Japanese is a hard thing to do, even for another Japanese company.
  9. It's obviously a scam, all these shit companies like EA, Ubi,Sony etc are having record profits at current prices with all the DLC bullshit you need to buy for a game after your $60.
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