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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. It;s a russian to greek transaltion that Dostovesky made 100+ years ago about Slavs.
  2. Οι προφητείες τους πραγματικότητα: οι Μεγάλοι ρώσοι άτομα από το παρελθόν στρέφονται προς τη Ρωσία | Ρωσική άνοιξη Καταπληκτικές οι άνθρωποι υπάρχουν. Ακόμα και σήμερα, έστω και πριν από δύο αιώνες. Φαίνεται ξεκάθαρα βλέπουν και αξιολογούν μας ύπαρξη. Καταπληκτικές οι άνθρωποι. Εδώ Θεόδωρος Μιχαήλοβιτς Ντοστογιέφσκι σχεδόν διακόσια χρόνια πριν, έγραψε, σαν από το μέλλον και όχι από το παρελθόν, όλα τα είδα, όλα για μας ήξερε. Εδώ έγραψε για μας από το να του δέκατου ένατου αιώνα: "Δεν θα είναι η Ρωσία, και δεν ήταν ποτέ, όπως haters, завистников, συκοφάντες και ακόμη και ρητή εχθρούς, όπως όλε
  3. I'd even be okay with New 3DS style exclusives if they REALLY bump up the hardware.
  4. 1080p screen? Tons of Switch first party games run at 720p, and 1080p is 2.4x the resolution already. Developers apparently got requests from Nintendo to make their games "4K ready" whatever that means. Rumour says its going from 4 gigs of RAM to 8 gigs, which seems highly unreasonable since having two models with such ram disparity will be too much work for developers the spec difference is too great.
  5. Spoiler alert. If MS had exclusive games I want, I'd get a Series S for dirt cheap used or a gaming laptop.
  6. Really going into that mature theme it seems.
  7. Legend of Heroes Trials of Cold Steel 1-4 will have a small print. Maybe not a big profit but you won't lose for sure. Same with Ys series both from Falcom.
  8. Mario 64 is so slippery and poorly controlling compared Sunshine it's crazy. Sunshine is better on responsiveness of controller alone imo.
  9. http://segabits.com/blog/2020/08/16/panzer-dragoon-remake-heading-to-ps4-pc-and-xbox-one-by-end-of-the-year-also-coming-to-next-generation-consoles-says-ceo/ Coming next to PS4 then XBox next.
  10. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/09/deathsmiles-i-ii-announced-for-ps4-xbox-one-and-switch The PS4/Switch have so many shumps it's crazy.
  11. https://blog.playstation.com/2020/09/25/prepare-for-battle-with-a-deeper-dive-into-godfalls-combat-techniques/#sf238171827 This is looking better and better.
  12. I'm refering to Dynamite he made a bet the Series S doesn't exist.
  13. Xcloud is a waste of time. The Series S will be $200 by the time the games hit, much better purchase.
  14. Jon start Yakuza 0 best intro into the franchise and its considered by most to be the best in the series.
  15. MS service? Is that why MS releases games to buy on Steam that both bypass game pass and their own online storefront.
  16. Any normal head of gaming would say that the games are exclusive without a single doubt, it's why we have his non position of "case on case".
  17. Bleh. Let's hope MGS4 is freed from it's PS3 prison of 600p, 20fps and 10 minute install times per level.
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