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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Yes because it might be coming to consoles. The XBox One BC mode for the collection is 720p/
  2. I wonder if the Castlevania collection is the two Mercury Steam Lord of Shadows games.
  3. Poor Amazon, if only it could match Azure's marketshare... oh wait.
  4. What the fuck are you talking about, Sony rents their PSN server infrastructure from Amazon. They're moving to Azure because MS offered a better deal. MS had a choice either offer a better deal or they lose Sony to their direct rival. XCloud is based on Azure server farms, it's not some magic technology MS came up with specifically for XBox. They're going to shove PS5s into Azure, and that's your PSNow.
  5. Burnout was pretty good 4K 60fps with completely redone textures.
  6. Phil and Aaron Greenberg said at the moment game pass is not profitable, they're doing a netflix style loss leader, and at best are breaking even.
  7. Sony's annual profits are like 2 billion, and they make more money than MS and Nintendo combined right now. XBox profits are less than 1 billion a year, you're seriously suggesting Phil got 8 a year check of profits out of thin air. It's not an XBox division purchase it's greenlit like Minecraft by the CEO. It's exactly the reason they will be multiplat.
  8. Indie bullshit purchases like Inxile, and Ninja Theory are cheap. The only way Phil would ever get 7.5 billion to spend is out of MS's larger budget not XBox budget, this is a higher up MS purchase like Minecraft was.
  9. The 7.5 billion MS paid for Bethesda comes from its value as a third party publisher. PS and Switch make up at least 30% of their total sales. That would mean the actual price MS paid is overinflated because as soon as you cut out Switch and PS, Bethesda's value tanks. You dont just buy third party publishers and then cut the sales base 30%+
  10. I thought it was their IP, so they are responsible for quality control. I really want Dead Space, Alice and Shadows of The Damned. Maybe Dead Space Extraction in VR.
  11. EA somehow managed to fuck up a Crysis remaster, god knows what will happen here. "The publisher originally planned to launch the remastered trilogy, that I first reported on back in May, with an October reveal and release. But now EA and developer BioWare are pushing that release into early 2021, according to people familiar with the development. "The primary factor holding up development, beyond the pandemic, is the original Mass Effect game. It currently does not live up to the quality of the rest of the package. It would make a poor first impression for new players, and it m
  12. The "arrogant" assholes are giving us Demon Souls, Spiderman Miles, Ratchet, Horizon 2, possibly God of War and FFXVI within the first 12-18 months of the PS5's lifespan. Thats not even counting the smaller stuff like Kena. That's coming off TLOU2, Ghosts of Tsushima and Final Fantasy 7 this year for PS4. PS5 has a killer launch period, yet at the same time the PS4's swansongs also kicked ass. Sony is delivering on games, no questions there.
  13. They are quoting their original March 18th article where we had the Cerny presetation and he said they tested the top 100. That guy on twitter is a piece of shit basically.
  14. Legacy works and native gives "bugs" from boost.
  15. Jim Ryan said 99% of games will work, looks like you're just reposting old news from when Cerny mentioned the 100 top titles work. It makes no sense that PS5 can't run the in legacy mode if native gives buns. "Jim Ryan, President, and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, told the Washington Post the PS5 will be backward compatible with 99% of PS4 titles."
  16. BTW I checked Resetera and Neogaf, no thread about any of this. Are you sure this is real?
  17. I think it's time to skip the PS5, trade in my games that are multiplat. This is a fucking joke if true. This is so unexcusable that they can go choked on a dick. Obviously I'll get games that are exclusive, but this is beyond fucked up. The issue is that XBox misses like 80% of small Japanese games, has no limited prints and no VR.
  18. Gonna sell Mario to some dumbass sheep. After.
  19. Another question is if these can simulate the move controller for PSVR1 BC. Overall I think the quality of life improvements will be so big for PSVR2 it won't feel you're beta testing a peripjerial.
  20. I honestly don't understand how this game was lost on most people. Only Sin & Punshiment and Pandora's Tower are better imo.
  21. Hallf Life Alyx should be great, Gabe said they're looking at porting the game. PS5 finally has decent specs for VR at high framerates.
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