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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The time I think the S will start to tank is when they PS5 Pro comes out, the system will be laughable by then. I bet if MS didnt have to account for the S, X would probably have an SSD as fast as the PS5.
  2. S is way too insignificant overall when there is PS5, X and PC to consider. PS5 will steamroll S even with the price difference, and the XBox crowd that will care about visuals will be on the X. If it was like 70% of the overall console market it would be true, it's not.
  3. Nah they'll go make PS5/X as main systems and then shit out some functional S port that isn't pure trash.
  4. The 10 gigs of RAM is an eyesore in otherwise fairly scalable specs.
  5. Looks like it was outsourced to Bulgaria or some shit. Shows how much class Nintendo has.
  6. Zelda has character, it's own world, heritage. This seriously looks like it's based on the art, mythos and lore of some F2P iOS game. It's fucking revolting and unappealing.
  7. The demo was fun for what it was, but there is absolultely no depth to any of it to sustain an on going GAAS game.
  8. https://www.gamereactor.eu/source-playstation-5-to-adjust-plans-in-response-xbox-series-x-pricing/ We've heard that Sony is considering pricing the discless PS5 at $399 and the premium edition of the PlayStation will match the Xbox Series X with a $499 price point. This would make the digital PS5 the best bang for the buck out of all the console models.
  9. Well I have no doubt this game will be able to out do BOTW's 4 abysmal main dungeons.
  10. It's a huge upgrade over the original, so it's cool. Worth it when it drops to rock bottom pricewise.
  11. TBH I'd rather have MS and Sony thinking about future Pro models, coming in the next few years, rather than a model that's 1/3 the power just to appeal to grandmas buying christmas presents. Imagine a 4tflop console in 2023 if a 20tflop PS5 launches. The spec difference in configurations will be pretty jarring. By the end of the gen the S will be a 900p/1080p machine. I guess that's fine at the end of the day.
  12. To be fair there are like 5 games total that play better with a Wiimote across the whole library.,
  13. Impossible the PS5 is close to Series X in specs.
  14. $299 and Halo Infinite at launch, they'd have the US in the bag beating Sony. It would have been the 360 + Gears level combo to counter the PS5 in the US.
  15. Wish Dynamite came back would love his take on this.,
  16. Well the remaster was leaking in a listing, so probably want to release that first I assume.
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