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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. With an SSD they could do real time transformations like the movies. I thought that was the whole point of it being next gen.
  2. Sounds a lot less interesting. Other world transformations were a key element of Silent Hill.
  3. Is rather buy a gaming laptop or lockhart than use XCloud, that's my take.
  4. 10 is okay, 15 is IMO too much for streaming shit unless you're signing up of you have any XBox and PC
  5. BOM doesn't mean shit there a whole array of other costs that are added IMO. If BOM is 450 and they price it at 450, they still lose money.
  6. Asked about recent allegations in the West that Russian and Chinese hackers have tried to steal research data about coronavirus vaccines, Logunov expressed skepticism. “When you live and breathe a certain kind of technology, whether you like it or not, you build up a lot of best practices that you often don’t even submit for a patent. But they’re very hard to steal — you need to spend 15-20 years of your life on the work to really master the technology and to reproduce it in any environment. How do you steal that? It’s only possible [working] with the development team itself. And once the vacc
  7. I don't see the issue, why are private companies getting the deal? There should be government universal vaccination.
  8. Fauci has said that the US should have a "safe and effective" vaccine by the end of this year. Apparently Russia can make only 10 million vaccines a year, and probably similar abysmal numbers in other countries.
  9. Apparently they are really close, but from what I understand they can only make 10 million vaccinations a year. That's really good news because from what I understand other countries are going to have a vaccine in roughly the same time frame. The faster they vaccinate other countries the better for everyone.
  10. PS4 still has a 100+ million user base and will probably hit 120 million and they have a 5 million PSVR user base. Not having a seperate direct is stupid.
  11. Dynamite MS hasn't revealed a disc less console, so they are revealing a new console regardless. S or X is another question.
  12. If they are willing to change the price by 100 depending on XBox's pricing it shows how aggressive they are. But obviously don't want to take unnecessary loses.
  13. It's great, means Sony has more money to work with.
  14. Officially confirmed as real. Damn that's a huge as dick move, but a win for Sony. https://www.resetera.com/threads/confirmed-spider-man-is-exclusive-to-playstation-editions-of-avengers.261042/
  15. That's why they have a digital only version though. Assuming it's not 450.
  16. Only care about the disc version of PS5. 500 bucks.
  17. I still dont understand do you see both worlds or switch on the fly like Soul Reaver.
  18. It's feature rich, so it's expected to have a shorter lifespan.
  19. They hyped Scorpio for 18 months then stopped production in less than 3 years. Series X is here to stay for a full gen, but wouldn't be surprised if its their last console foreay. I've seen even some XBox fans think Series wont outsell the One.
  20. There is no denying that XBox next gen hardware is an afterthought for MS, but throwing gamepass under the bus for F2P Halo MP is most surprising.
  21. Medium on XBox a timed exclusive is legit the most interesting title on XBox after Halo. Ghostwire PS5 is top 5 for PS5 imo.
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