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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. It's coming. They currently don't have a digital only console.
  2. I'm actually starting to believe in the SSD magic fairy dust now.
  3. Makes me wonder what Sony has planned for their August showcase. I'm more excited about that if Silent Hill will be a thing.
  4. Its coming in 4 months. There really isn't much to "show" Since there is no time And they confirmed they won't be fighting a beta pre launch.
  5. The Medium was the best looking title at the conference that had some gameplay and it's a 7 million dollar budget indie dev game. It should not be like this.
  6. Hole? It literally took Halo 3 seconds to stream in the lighting and textures after checking the map.
  7. Speaking of the XBox showcase there was no VRS used according to DF in anything... XBox doesn't support VRS and is RDNA1 with RDNA2 features. /retard
  8. If Sony showed something as bad as Halo Infinite. Bad visuals, pop in, stutter, low ress textures, atrociois LODs you'd be bashing the shit out of Cerny's SSD magic. No RT.
  9. I'd agree with you if PS5 games hadn't shown gameplay with RT like Ratchet and GT7. Also who said the RT patch is coming to XBox and not PC only. Something will need to be cut for RT probably resolution.
  10. Honestly a game like Halo should pull through on visuals on budget alone.
  11. We didn't hear the old build excuse for any PS5 game because it wasn't needed. Why does Halo deserve special treatment? It's 4 months away from launch.
  12. The game is clearly being rushed and has been in development hell and probably rebooted multiple times. It's an all around disaster right now.
  13. 5 years in development their premiere franchise for their new console launch, and they showed an old build. Anyone seriously believe this?
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