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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/TWTHEREDDRAGON/status/1286378136108781570?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1286378136108781570|twgr^&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html1286378136108781570
  2. Wait Forza is in early development and not coming for launch?
  3. Every fucking development has this "herculean task", with a fraction of time and resources of 343i but they don't fuck it up.
  4. Unlike Sony that's limited to PS5 hardware MS is showcasing their games on much a stronger PCs and shit is underwhelming. 30fps trailer for a 60fps game by default is suspect. RT could be running on Nvidia hardware not what XBox as well to top it off.
  5. They can't even nail LODs, pop in or graphics. RT is like a whatever.
  6. Remember when this was in engine and the final game would look so so amazing? That turned out well.
  7. Gran Turismo showed instant loading from the menu into gameplay. I mean it's not exactly a high bar, they could have done the same.
  8. What's the their explanation behind terrible LODs and insane pop in?
  9. 343: May not have Halo Infinite Public Beta Flight Test “ unprecedented challenges of this year”
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