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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. This one looks good. I think Fable 2 has the worst final boss I have experienced in any game. They Also got rid of the atrocious art style.
  2. No way. No one is paying for a dumpster fire like that.
  3. If it has Steam and gamepass and good hardware I can see the carving out a good niche.
  4. The system isnt even announced, give it Time. Theyll play a major pary in its launch Windows wheb its announced.
  5. Phil is the one promising more Games on other hardware not me, sWitch 2 will get every game XBoy gets since theyll be fairly similiar in power.
  6. There are so many better SRPGs that take tens of hours to beat. Why waste your Time on this one.
  7. Ryan: "It's been rumored, it's been talked about. We talked about it on the preshow, there was a big reaction from the audience here and that is an Xbox handheld?" Spencer: "I think we should have a handheld" Spencer: "The future for us in hardware in pretty awesome and the work that the team is doing around different form factors, different ways to play....I'm incredibly excited about it. Today was about the games. We showed some of our gen 9 consoles, Series S, Series X, the work that we are doing, but we will have a time to come out talk more about platform. We can't wait to bring it
  8. I think this is best Xbox showcase is over 10 years and the best part is I will eventually be able to play all these Games on Switch 2.
  9. Midori says the next Nintendo showcase is going to be fire even If there is no Switch 2 Reveal.
  10. Looks vety different from what Perfect Dark was. A shooter foremost. But i think this Mirrors Edge and Deus Ex hybrid works too.
  11. MGS3 with the New abilities and camera lools stupid without an level design change
  12. XBoy is almost guaranteed at this point.
  13. 91 minutes left. I have no idea what New ideas they can even add to the New Doom game after Eternal
  14. Dont know how well gyro works in many Games. But in splatoon it was a game changer.
  15. Lets assume the Switch version sells 4x more than the PS5 version. Are Sony going to ignore the platform after?
  16. The issur with Xbox and PS5 gamed on Switvh 2 is that they will all be very profitable Lego license or not. So why makd an exception only for select Games.
  17. Yeaj no shit Portable will downclock but If its roughly a Steadeck with DLSS it should be able to handle almost any current multiplat in a decent for for a Portable device.
  18. SWitch is dual functions offering these Games with close to Series S graphics docked AND a Portable mode. The value of the dual functions is amazing. Series S however is just a dumb box under your TV. Switch 2 is a high end tablet. While Series S is a shit underpowered device. One is the best hardware you can get for 400 the other one is a stationary gimpfest potato.
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