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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. To be fair PS always had shit Lauches the PS5 is looking like the best yet.
  2. I can't believe there are no comparisons yet.
  3. I dont think pre ordering guarantees getting a unit sadly.
  4. First was fun, 2 turned into a loot based shitfest.
  5. Honestly best to wait for the next gen version.
  6. Well I welcome them to try real AAA development over say F2P microtransaction trash.
  7. Well what else is he supposed to say. Lockhart might not hold games back but One sure as fuck will.
  8. It kicks ass. OG I kinda wish Killzone would get another shot under a new developer though with a new direction. Guerilla nailed their franchise with Horizon much better than Killzone.
  9. Probably true, but PS4 also has a blue LED that turns white when you're botting up the console or restarting.
  10. Fucking finally they did a physical limited print for Switch versions of the games, cant wait for the PS4 version.
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