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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. This game has literally been in development for a whole gen, it better be fucking good.
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/AestheticGamer1/status/1280398738909880320?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1280398738909880320|twgr^&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html1280398738909880320 Thank God it's next gen only not on PS4/One. I expect crazy shit. Imagine if the next game in FF7 is not cross gen.
  3. What makes it crazier is that they are more focused on cross platform than Sony. PS4 is probably going to be sold for the next two years at the very least
  4. The only thing that matters is one console is 300, other is 500. Naming is irrelevant.
  5. They are supposedly working on Perfect Dark. It's probably going to have a robust single player, coop and multiplayer. Making all those modes with quality is a massive undertaking.
  6. Sony has the best naming convention. It's super boring but it works.
  7. Makes sense. Building a studio from scratch takes forever
  8. All 4 PS consoles had weak launches, PS5 is looking to deliver day 1 now. But MS and Sony going for times exclusives as a strategy is lame.
  9. Anyone that bans Jonbo is insane especially with the XBox reveal.
  10. It's like their Minecraft purchase, they can win back the money as multiplat. But their publishing branch is redundant not sure if MS wants them.
  11. Theyve been saving up games for like 4 years it will probably be good.
  12. Most men would rather fuck a hot tranny over a tub of lard. She looks like she's wearing a flying squirrel costume.
  13. You can run any campaign but you cant change what men like. Chubby chasers are such a small part of the male population. Plus unless you have medical issues youre fat because you have no willpower.
  14. It feels like a PS2 era Konami game in terms of atmosphere, at their peak and hieght.
  15. Lol i had to google wtf that is. How the fuck do you know such things.
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