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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. They said X can emulate 4 S consoles. Dont get excited.
  2. 400 would make gimphart redundant. I'd perfer this scenario.
  3. Just read the article. " The insider doesnt know the pricing". Hes guessing and his guess is shit.
  4. 400 wont happen but this is the ideal scenario where there is no need for a gimp SKU.
  5. Neither of those prices are sane the writer is an idiot. 500 and 300.
  6. True Spiderman is the only launch title confirmed. Gonna save Ghosts for PS5.
  7. Thats ambitious when Cory Balrog wanted to do it for Tomb Raider the team told to screw himself because its too hard.
  8. I would assume holiday 2021, would be surprised if earlier. Generally thats a really fast dev time turn around.
  9. Can you even find people to play with this online...
  10. They already bought EA, Insomniac, Platinum Games, Sega, WB. So why not.
  11. PS5 exclusive games will be more important than ever for the next-gen console, according to PlayStation Europe executive vice president Simon Rutter. Speaking with The Guardian, Rutter reiterated that exclusive games remain "hugely important" to the company. "More important, I think, than they’ve ever been," he said. "Through their proximity to the system’s designers, PlayStation’s studios are able to really extract the most out of the system performance and that’s a really valuable attribute for a platform holder to have. [PlayStation] can rely on a studio network that can really show of
  12. Now that PS4 is getting super lucky tale, the war is over.
  13. The Hellblade 2 trailer ran at 24fps like a movie. I have no clue what theyre going for.
  14. Initiative is supposedly Perfect Dark
  15. Its 20 bucks so id say give it a go.
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