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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://blog.playstation.com/2020/06/12/play-has-no-limits-digging-deeper-into-yesterdays-ps5-announcements/ In the end it's not bad no need to buy a separate system like Medium Xbox exclusivity as well which I want to play. Timed ain't bad.
  2. I assume evryone has one of the 3 platforms it on, Noexcuse not play it.
  3. Of all the games to remake visually wtf. Even Killzone, Darkwatch and other games are better.
  4. Demon Souls is one of the best and influential games ever, not sure if any company Sony included can annonce to match it.
  5. I played it in PS2 emu, the onlcompliment I can give is that its functional. It legit sucks.
  6. It's one of those great visual novels with great gameplay like 999, Dangronpa or Phoenix Wright. Unique blend of investigation.
  7. We are getting FF7,TLOU2, Ghosts and Dreams month before the PS5 launch. All could have easily been delayed as hostage for cross gen launch. Its support like this that makes them great. I think it will pay off in terms of fan good will.
  8. The remake is true to its art, and shows how hardware limited the PS3 was and so was the budget to realise the art.
  9. It's a day one anyways for me because I own so many PS4 games. But really hoping for a Silent Hill game.
  10. If this was Twisted Metal game instead reception would be good imo.
  11. Sonys biggest conference will the one where they announce the price. Expect them to save the content for that as a sweetener because its not going to be 399.
  12. Thousand year door was my most regretted purchase of the PS2 era. Fuck this abysmal franchise.
  13. Got debunked its a lost legacy standalone like.
  14. Like why have a furry tranny flash game at a PS5 reveal lmao.
  15. PS5 reveal video hit over 9 million. For reference the dislike ratio. The people have spoken. PS5 : 3.3% Xbox Serie X : 8.2%
  16. PS5 is not a good looking console, it's just Series X is abysmal. But on an overall engineering front MS made better design decisions on the silicon, even if they are close. So they got a win there.
  17. Honestly those MS shills tweeting next gen isn't about GPU power and that SSD and CPU are the real jump are looking like clowns after the PS5 reveal. All the games are so clearly GPU starved. Recosctuction techniques instead of native, 30fps, barely any GPU grunt for ray tracing that it's actually an option you can turn off.
  18. Honestly now that we have seen Horizon 2 is 4k checkerboarded and 30fps to actually give a big next gen jump, what the fuck is a 4tflop lockhart game going to look like. We're approaching Switch docked level resolutions in reconstruction. It's going to be a parody system.
  19. Reminds me Saturn and N64 had a ram expansion, wonder why Sony didn't bother to add one.
  20. I was planning to wait for a PS5 patch, fuck it. Getting it launch day.
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