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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Thing is that the gameplay itself looks decent, but the whole aesthetic is revolting imo.
  2. I mean anyone with remotely any experience in the industry can see this is DOA and a flatout waste of money that's going nowhere. It's almost up there with Bleeding Vag in terms of how bad it looks. I'm just baffled by this game, it literally looks like an XBox gamepass game.
  3. No one complained Nathan Drake is a mass murderer.
  4. TCHBR. But what kind of comment is "The game is too violent "
  5. What's objectively cool is AA PS5 games look like top tier AAA PS4 games. So games with budget issues get more room to breath.
  6. Just a collection of game trailers imo. No filler. Like the PS5 event was all trailers.
  7. Honestly I believe MS isn't even fighting a war with PS5, they are probably projecting growth from PC and XCloud, while the consoles are just a side hussle. Phil's issue with XBox is that it lacks growth potential compared to other venues, they have a core console crowd, but the grow potential even in ideal scenarios is nowhere near where MS wants it to be.
  8. EA developer said they got PS5 specs in 2016 when the Pro was releasing.
  9. I don't know the technical side, or what it is. It's the way lighting interacts with materials in my eyes. Can't really point it out, but its there and in almost every game.
  10. This applies to XBox X as well, and if Lockhart ends up a 4tflop console with less RAM doubly so. (I can't believe how underwhelmed people would be with such a console, given the poor PS5/X showing visually) Currently the objective use for SSDs is simple. 1. RAM multiplier because we are getting a tiny RAM upgrade, basically virtual texturing to keep less stuff in RAM and access it when needed. 2. Quality of life, simply no loading times as is. Fantastic use, and great achievement of the gen. 3. Infinite level design, just come up with whatever the fuck you wa
  11. We are getting quality and performance mode in launch games. This gen is already begging for Pro models mid gen.
  12. Legit surprised how this is getting so little attention.
  13. I remember walking and seeing Dreamcast with Soul Calibur. Now that shit was mindblowing. Honestly nothing shown was even remotely as impressive as the jump we saw with Shadowfall or Ryse either.
  14. By the time the Slim comes the PS5 Pro will be a reality, now imagine how that will look like lmoa.
  15. PS5 stream hits 9 million views in under 5 hours - 12 million including languages
  16. If people are bitching about how 30fps next-gen games look like, they're in for a massive disappointment if MS shows any of their promised 120fps titles.
  17. Horizon 1 vs 2 It's a good upgrade, especially when you take the WHOLE scene with the world. But people saw stuff like this.
  18. I still havent read any proof its not cross gen. Also the trailer had framerate drops below 30,.
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