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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Watch Nintendo announe an AAA 1 month before release.
  2. I feel sorry for Bluepoint, the purists will eat them alive.
  3. Kets hope the world doesnt further turn to shit.
  4. Not really bashing Phil here, but seems these guys are realzing the world economy is fucked. https://www.resetera.com/threads/phil-spencer-if-this-is-not-the-year-when-a-family-wants-to-make-a-decision-to-buy-a-new-xbox-thats-ok.222073/
  5. Can someone explain to me who is a foreigner why it's systemic according to them.
  6. Resistance 2.and Halo ODST were legit 6/10 shit. No reviewers fucked up rating games this badly.
  7. Switch has 1/7th of the memory bandwidth of PS4. What do you expect.
  8. Some women will never settle for most shorter guys.
  9. I saw her at a coffee place, sat next to her and got here number. She texted that we should meetup, really hard to find a guy at that height.
  10. Cerny said making it silent is goal, probably why it has monstrous cooling system.
  11. Same height as me, date after quarantine. No one seems to like his looks except me. I'm fucked if she wears heelsz but I don't care. Woman not tranny.
  12. Time to go tranny hunting cleanse the world of this filth.
  13. So I was partly right about an arcade board news.
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