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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Tons of games like music games etc rely on colored buttons. It's really lame on Switch.
  2. You realize that people want to buy a PS5 for exclusives you can't get on PS4, and that's the best way to showcase hardware. We already had a one hour Cerny hardware breakdown.
  3. Imagine having the Star Wars license, which is basically the ability to print money and not being able to make games like EA. They cancelled two AAA SP Sta Wars games.
  4. The Division franchise deserves a special place imo, it's one of the most atmospheric games I have played this gen. Absolutely phenomenal work for what could have been generic souless AAA trash.
  5. I assume many next gen engines will have their own unique or hybrid solutions that are not like UE5. There is no right way to render in the future. What Guerilla does with their engine will be interesting because imo Horizon from 2017 will still end this gen as the best looking game.
  6. The buttons are colourless with no color backlighting . So buttons are probably colored with a backlight when the controller is on. Also I can embed on a phone. Embed this render. It's crazy. https://mobile.twitter.com/MisterPixeI/status/1260860598893543426?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1260860598893543426&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231260860598893543426
  7. Yes. And it's surprisingly good. But I really dislike Spiderman as a character so I held off.
  8. This is actually really we done with lots of depth, options, and a far greater skill cap than Batman even with a fairly similar combat system. It's engaging and challenging, and even if you beat an encounter you think how you could have done it in a much more stylish manner. I'm actually impressed. But I really have the soundtrack, it sounds like it could literally be part of any generic AAA game.
  9. The PS5 UE5 tech demo runs with dynamic resolution scaling and temporal upsampling. Typical rendering resolution is 1440p but it does vary. We've spent a long time poring over a range of 3840x2160 uncompressed PNG screenshots supplied by the firm. They defy pixel-counting, with resolution as a metric pretty much as meaningless as it is for, say, a Blu-ray movie. But temporal accumulation does so much more "
  10. Developer post. " wake up late on Wednesdays and I see a literally industry-shaking announcement. This is absolutely impossible. So much of the current development pipeline is based on retopography, poly count budgets, draw call budgets, light baking and so on. This just...gets rid of them. They're gone. Entirely. I cannot even fathom this shit. Every developer I know is fucking losing their minds."
  11. This is running at 1440p 30fps. This is a perfect example of why Lockhart should be cancelled.
  12. Hey if a game loads in 2 seconds on PS5 and 4 seconds on X. It's not a waste by default.
  13. Its the most popular middleware and like half of next gen games will be made on it. From AAA games to Japanese panty simulators. It's exciting. An engine has absolutely nothing to do with game design anyway.
  14. I don't get lemmings war on faster load times. "Just loads 3 seconds faster" Vs "2160p Vs 1980p".
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