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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. This tech demo reaction is a perfect example of why people expecting 4K / 60fps next gen are on crack.
  2. We know literally all the specs and hardware features of these new consoles. They can't overpromise or underpromise. This gen if consoles is a lot more top of the line than PS4/One were at their time.
  3. You're bitching about gameplay from a real time engine demo. Where is the logic.
  4. 16 percent GPU advantage is apparently 40 percent advantage. Tomorrow it will be 50 percent.
  5. One triangle per pixel instead normal maps and LODs. Zero baked lightning GI with no RT. Its impressive as fuck because it's something consoles use with good performance and resolution.
  6. Watch the digital foundry they explain how LODs working with no bump maps with triangles instead. It's amazing.
  7. I'm playing Rage 2 and it has grass and trees LOD popping up 20 meters in front, and shadows pop up 10 meters ahead when driving. Even getting rid of that shit would make it look 100x better.
  8. It's obvious the PS5 is weaker than the X, but the SSD does give it certain advantages as well. Win lose some, win some. Lemmings are trying to downplay like an SSD 2x+ faster will have zero effect.
  9. Even if gets downgraded to half of what's shown on screen, it will still shit on current gen, badly.
  10. We know that due to optimization if you want to use a PC SSD, you need a 7gbps SSD in the PS5 for the extention port. So it's damn fast.
  11. Average game is an idiotic barometer. It's like measuring the average patient temperature in a hospital. What matters is a specific game/patient.
  12. Cerny just chose a random super high SSD speed that has zero benefits to game development.
  13. You realize almost all game assets are done in much higher quality and then downscaled to work in game?
  14. I can't believe people are bitching about such small things, when the idea that an on rail shooter Panzer Dragoon game making a comeback is insanity in itself.
  15. The only Sony first party to even run on Unreal is days gone from what I know and that's because Sony Bend was a small handheld team before. Everything will run on a custom engine on PS5 first party anyways that will probably outperform UE5 when running specifically on PS5.
  16. That's a PC tech demo. Here is a demo they did in a high end PC and PS4 at the time.
  17. Guerilla even said the Decima engine runs better on PS4 than Unreal 4. So Sony first party is going to utilize the PS5 in even godlier ways.
  18. Maybe MS will pick up another Kickstarter game for a 6 month console exclusive.
  19. If Demon Souls looks even 1/2 as good at launch.
  20. The lumen global illumination isn't RT based from what I understand. Hope this demo is a preview of some game they are making like the UE3 demo was basically a Gears showcase.
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