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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://www.neogaf.com/threads/the-official-mafia-twitter-account-tweets-one-word-after-few-years-of-silence.1540620/ No surprise, the remaster-a-thon this gen continues which is great. I love remasters, but 95% of all remasters that exist on PS4.
  2. It got a lot of free content updates since it came out. It's a fun mix of Mad Max, Doom, and Rage blended into a fun explosive map dairhia fun, much better than Farcry 4/5. Plus on Pro it runs at an extremely stable 60fps, which is the first open world game to do this since MGS5.
  3. The baker family and it's chainsaw Texas inspiration are imo the best antagonists in RE alongside nemesis and Lisa from Remake.
  4. Gamepass is supposed to be the next Netflix, but can't match one of the most ghetto online services that uses frienecodes and doesn't have the biggest online games like COD, Destiny, Ghost Recon, Battlefield. Plus Fortnite on Switch doesn't require Nintendo online. Otherwise the numbers for Nintendo online would be way higher. It just shows how unimpressive Gamepass's numbers truly are. Nintendo online is pure junk.
  5. That's across PC and XBox. Can somebody explain why lemmings are bragging when you take out PC it's not even 10 million.
  6. Next up is a 4 tflop Lockhart with 12 gigs of RAM doesn't hold up development for Series X bullshit debunked.
  7. The best part is that it's just a times exclusive anyways, and we can always get it for PS5 later.
  8. If not for the Star Wars IP skin, this Uncharted/Dark Souls abomination would be getting 6s, and 5s across the board.
  9. I think this is a fantastic demonstration of just how abysmal the current CPUs are in the consoles.
  10. 4tflops, 12 gigs of RAM. Is still a horrifying lowest common denominator, SSD and Zen CPU or not till 2027.
  11. The Series X logo was leaked by a patent, there was no Series S logo or parent to go alongside it.
  12. Lockhart is supposed to be the main selling system, from what was leaked 3:1 in favour of the Lockhart due to price. It's not something that you pretend doesn't exist. That makes no sense that you pull out the main selling SKU out your ass the last minute. ZHuge said it was cancelled in 2019. So the current rumour assumes it's getting revived, the revival might also not happen.
  13. The announcement must come in the next 3 months the latest. It's weird as fuck.
  14. There has been no announcement of the thing, and we are honestly approaching a point of no return where it must be announced. Outside of insiders talking about itt here hasn't been a single hint from MS or developers about the things possible existent. You can't just go ball deep into Series X optimised marketing, then pull a Series S out of nowhere randomly.
  15. PS4/PS5 and PC confirmed. No surprise.
  16. Now all we need is a Deus Ex and System Shock for the PC classic trifecta.
  17. More than half of the games don't support HDR. Which shows that these really aren't high budget games that can take advantage of next gen. The graphics and wow moments are coming. Don't let AA budget and cross gen games dictate expectations. Remember when 360 was the XBox 1.5 with Perfect Dark Zero and DOA4? Then Gears 1 happened.
  18. With XBox Series X enchached how do they even make a Series Z marketing campaign.
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