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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. One thing I want to know is if the PS4 back button attachment will work.
  2. The one major advantage PS controllers always had over XBox was the analog deadzone was way smaller. The PS3 controller had some major design flaws (Abysmal triggers) but it was very apparent when you where switching between the 360 and PS3.
  3. Sony's controller is better. Lemmings feelings were hurt.
  4. The whole world is excited for the PS5 and thinks the controller is fantastic. Lemmings are crying about that people shouldn't be excited, just because.
  5. The look has been obviously focus tested. It has millions of likes on Instagram and is the most tweeted gaming news in history. It's an absolutely fantastic design. Sony nailed the look.
  6. 360? lol what. They have different shapes it's a thick/bulkier Dualshock, not XBox controller.
  7. Lemmings are taking it hard with their copy pasta controller with a Share button added, and the fugly PC tower. https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2020/4/8/21213458/sony-playstation-5-ps5-dualsense-controller-design-changes-dualshock Sony’s new DualSense controller is its most exciting design since the original PlayStation And yes, Microsoft has also revealed its console and controller designs, and I commend the company for revealing them early on in the process. But neither the lightly tweaked controller nor the featureless gray tower seems to have elicited th
  8. The DualSense is so boss it's developing a fanart fanbase. It's easily the best looking controller ever made.
  9. I expected a black box for the console, now I'm excited to see what they'll pull of with that color scheme. Whatever we get it sure isn't going to be boring anymore.
  10. No back buttons though is a huge disappointment. At least for me. I expected two of them.
  11. Naughty Dog audio lead. Robert Krekel @robkrekel Very stoked about the new controller for PS5. Lots of very cool opportunities integrating audio with haptic feedback. Got to play around with a prototype a long time ago and possibilities are very exciting.
  12. If the controller is anything to go by, PS5 will be one sexy beast.
  13. https://www.resetera.com/threads/introducing-dualsense-ps5s-controller.180614/page-47#lg=_xfUid-6-1586295889&slide=0
  14. The buttons are going to be colored most likely, its to iconic. So I don't think that's even really a point to discuss that. The issue is they arent adding two back buttons like the PS4 accessory. We assumed it was made because the Dualsense would have back buttons by default. Major cockblock imo.
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