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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. I got Drakengard 3 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma the best two retro games to keep a PS3 imo. He gave Reshitstain 1 and Heavenly Sword. Playing Resistance
  2. Launch PS3 with PS2 BC, and a Wii. Tons of games as well.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCYAX19NSTo Trailer
  4. Fairly pointless without benchmarks imo.
  5. Coronovirus might actually result in console sales growth rate, that's until everybody loses their job.
  6. 4 gens in a row Sony has released the system without a single doubt. This gen will be no different. Deal with it.
  7. Massive games delays are coming soon because of the covid19. Next gen is going to start off with a fart. It's going to take forever for this gen to take off.
  8. MS's most successful new IP this gen. All you really need to know.
  9. It's okay. MS has a quality game to tied you over till Halo Infinite comes out. Those gay Pedro Japanese games don't stand a chance.
  10. And what are you hyping this year? A Halo and Forza game? You fucking serious. XBox is literally a droughtfest til infinite comes out, with no exclusives planned that are exclusive to next gen. Everything is on S and PC. It's literally one of the most worthless consoles ever concieved.
  11. What focus. Most of it is called game pass fodder with good reason.
  12. Right of the top of my head. XCluded this year. Persona 5 Royale Sakura Wars Nioh 2 Wonderful 101 Trials of Mana Gran Blue Fantasia Fairy Tail Babylon's Fall FF7 Countless other shit I can even be bothered to make a list .
  13. XBox is irrelevant. It's literally a casual box for multiplats that moms buy during a holiday bargain bin sale. That's why their S series will in reality be their lead model The number of Japanese games that skip it, the list is so ridiculously long you need to have brain damage to get an XBox. First party isn't even the issue here.
  14. Tbh only thing I care about is Demon Souls and Silent Hill panning out.
  15. We know it was 2019 bound though, so it just didn't pan out.
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