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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Wtf MS. All three platform holders should do everything so Stadia gets NOTHING. No game should ever be exclusive bound to this shit service.
  2. I like it when being antisocial is a CHOICE.
  3. Now I want GAMES! And their remote play solution... Gimme that PlayStation tablet.
  4. https://t.co/HBscpAnilh I hope there is enough stock. I really want mine at launch.
  5. Valve is back in the game. Fat fuck Gabe has infinite money to fund dream projects, he better do it.
  6. Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing gaming - from in-game physics and animation simulation to real-time rendering and AI-assisted broadcasting features. With Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS), NVIDIA set out to redefine real-time rendering through AI-based super resolution - rendering fewer pixels and then using AI to construct sharp, higher resolution images. With our latest 2.0 version of DLSS, we’ve made big advances towards this vision. Powered by dedicated AI processors on GeForce RTX GPUs called Tensor Cores, DLSS 2.0 is a new and improved deep learning neural network that bo
  7. If the Series S reveal doesn't happen by the end of E3 it's cancelled imo. Until then it's fair to assume it's on happening with MS insiders that have proved fairly reliable saying it's happening.
  8. RE3 dodge trick https://mobile.twitter.com/DfactorLP/status/1241731863384858625?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1241731863384858625&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231241731863384858625
  9. I think MS wanted single player games from Ninja Theory and were simply too polite to cancel this junk.
  10. This is irrelevant. PS2 beat the XBox multiple times as well, when there was no objective hardware reason for it. Still an interesting video.
  11. People in their basement made working emulators, and Sony can't for their consoles that sell 80+ million. Fuck you Sony :)
  12. What multiplats a rushed 2 month port of DOA2 that was printed without Itagaki's approval? MGS2 sank the power narrative back in 2000.
  13. Please stop this Sega fanboy bullshit. Now that we have full working emulators we know for a fact the average PS2 game rendered three times the polygons of an average Dreamcast game in a scene. The difference between the two is actually huge.
  14. Where is my Drakengard 3 and Nier remaster? Ohh wait they're stuck on my PS3. Fuck you Sony
  15. Like the Dreamcast... Oh wait it got discontinued.
  16. I prefer remasters. Even for some PS4 games tbh. But BC is crucial for stuff that will never get remastered like Alice, Lollipop Chainsaw etc. It would be a huge L for PS5, if the PS4 gen wasn't so remaster packed.
  17. Yeah no shit because hardware design choices aren't made in a vacuum. Everything is a balancing act. A 4tflop Lockhart at half the price is terrible value compared to X on a tflop basis for example, but it's also price king.
  18. It's all upto first year exclusives for Sony at this point. They NEED a Demons Souls remake at launch and a healthy supply of exclusives the first year. If they don't provide that and saved all their games for PS4's final moments then they did mess up.
  19. You even made a thread were gamers said cost is more important than exclusives or graphics...
  20. Sorry but the vast majority of multiplats on S perform worse and have a lower ress. The recent DF comparisons have S hanging on for dear life at this point. Plus the initial shock of the thing costing 500 at first, kinect or not. Doesn't matter.
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