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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. From what I understand Sony's APU is 2/3rd the size of the X. It has cheaper RAM modules and a cheaper RAM bus. If they can pass on the savings to the consumer their design choices are perfectly valid.
  2. Sure. But the gap between the Pro and X is multitudes bigger than PS5 and Series X. Plus not only was he Pro 100 cheaper it also came out a year earlier. So it's like a "no shit" moment. I expect the X and PS5 to cost the same tbh. But if they don't there is literally no reason bitch about the PS5's power gap.
  3. I don't think the PS4 lost a single DF to One. While X has lost multiple due to a developer's lack of care. There was no objective reason for Pro to ever match nevermind exceed in playability. If we take the 20-25 percent RAM bandwidth figure as the biggest percentagewise case scenario. That's roughly 2160p Vs 1950p. Does that sound like a major difference that people care about? People will prefer the higher number but the difference is just too low for most to care even on forums. People will get what they prefer as an ecosystem for multiplats. This matter
  4. X is for people on forums like us. Series S is their lead platform back "in the real world" because it's probably going to outsell the X multiple times over.
  5. If X somehow can manage to lose DF comparisons to the Pro, or Pro matches X with no clear winner. What exactly are people expecting in PS5 Vs Series X? Get real here.
  6. Tbh the PS5 and X power gap in no way justified PS5 being 100 cheaper. If they go 399 it's because it's what the market can releastically sustain. People choose ecosystems, games, friends , their previous investments for BC etc.
  7. We all know when Horizon 2 gets shown, it will probably be the best looking game of the gen.
  8. Yeah the difference is so staggering that everything will run on the 4tflop Lockhart with 12 gigs of RAM. Games totally not possible on PS5.
  9. Cerny had to pretend he perfers clocks over tflops, but there seems to be an upside to the higher clocks and CU counts. Doubt it will be noticeable though.
  10. What does it matter how fast your SSD when RAM bandwidth feeds the GPU not the SSD. You can have a 100gbps SSD it won't change the bandwidth bottleneck. And no SSD no matter how fast can compensate for a small 2.5x usable RAM increase.
  11. Out of all the specs. GPU, SSD, CPU, RAM the biggest and weakest upgrade by far is the RAM. There is too little of it and it's bandwidth starved especially on PS5. People are ignoring the most important part to argue over irrelevant shit.
  12. PS5 will wipe the floor with X if both are 500. No one gives a shit. Even polls on enthusiasts forums show this nevermind casuals. The issue is the COD/Fifa/Madden/Fortnite casuals that see a 300 "next gen" XBox.
  13. Lockhart at 4tflops and no disc drive even at 300 has got to be one of the worst value offers in gaming.
  14. I don't think Sony and price is dependant on X. They can release at the same price no one will give a shit. The issue is Lockhart's pricing. They can't be 200 more than the lowest XBox
  15. If you haven't noticed the gaming media is telling us tflops don't matter anymore. Tflops are dead.
  16. Spot on. They did exactly what they planned. 36 CUs, BC, and super fast SSD. Only thing they messed around is clockspeed, but that's just them adjusting their design from years before.
  17. I'm be willing to bet my right testicle that if there was no planned 2019 launch, and 36CUs were not necessary for BC. The PS5 would be using a slow and wide APU just like the X. As for SSD, Cerny got too excited, unless it's not much more expensive than the X SSD it's not worth the price in BOM.
  18. Can someone remind me why the PS5 SSD is 825 gigs again, not 1tb? What did Cerny say. I forgot.
  19. 1. Sony was planning a 2019 launch with 36CUs RDNA1 probably at around 1.8ghz so the 8 tflops rumour was true. 2. 2019 flopped so they upped it to 2.0ghz and a respectable 9.2 tflops 3. 9.2 tflops was a marketing disaster, so they threw a significant amount of money on cooling to hit double digits. Also the GitHub leak suggests PS5 used 18gbps RAM chips not 14gbps like now. So they downgraded the RAM in hopes of 399.
  20. Dude the jump from a 5400 RPM HDD to an SSD is huge. The jump from 2.4 to 5.5, even if the compression is identical won't make a lick of difference in 95 percent of games. Like the war over an I/O device is pretty laughable and just highlights how much ADHD gamers have. First it's bits, then teraflops, now it's SSDs.
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