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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The versions tested were 1.00 on the Playstation 4 systems and on the Xbox One systems. PS4 Pro renders at a resolution of 2880x1620 and downsamples from this resolution when outputting at 1080p with forced supersampling disabled. Xbox One X renders at a resolution of 3840x2160. PS4 renders at a native resolution of 1920x1080. Xbox One normally renders at a resolution of approximately 1920x1080, but at some points during cutscenes it seems to render at a resolution of approximately 1728x972. PS4 Pro, Xbox One and Xbox One X seem to be using a form of Checkerboard Rendering to reach the
  2. The vast majority of console owners are "Sony fanboys" going by hardware sales. It's an objective statistic.
  3. Nigga this SSD bullshit is turning into the PS2 hype of Saddam Hussein buying PS2s to launch missiles. I guess it's natural when the vast majority of gamers care about PS5 and XBox isn't really on the table for them no matter what hardware they bring in
  4. You got to hand it to Sony, some how they made a storage device the main marketing point of next gen hardware that everyone is talking about. It's ridiculous actually.
  5. Well it's just a prediction. But if it's say 500 Vs 300, you can see how it can sell so well. Still hope it gets canned .
  6. We had a leak of MS's internal documents. They expect a 3:1 sales ratio in favour of Lockhart apparently because frankly price is king.
  7. It would have been much better if X had the same speed SSD drive as PS5 since third parties could take full advantage of it.
  8. After X/Scorpio launching at 500, if Lockhart really exists. There is no way Series X will go below 500
  9. I assume their initial target was 9.2 tflops, but then they decide to throw a few extra bucks at the cooling and push it to 10.3 tflops. Even their SSD size of 850 gigs imo shows they're trying as hard as possible to hit that magical 399 price tag.
  10. They'll demo BC comparisons at the reveal imo. Boost clocks was what I expected would be nice if we go better AF, filtering etc as well
  11. Going from 900mhz GPU to 2.2ghz and 2.1 CPU to 3.5 will lock framerates and all dynamic resolutions to their peak guaranteed imo.
  12. https://www.resetera.com/threads/ps4-bc-on-the-ps5-to-work-on-“overwhelming-majority”-of-the-library-games-to-benefit-from-improved-frame-rates-and-resolutions.176258/ Full BC. Boost works in most games. Just like expected.
  13. I know you motherfuckers as long as my oldest friend from the age of 16 lol.
  14. This console war is lame tbh. Lemmings trying to argue a 16 percent GPU advantage is some huge difference. And cows are praying on faster SSD, when X already comes with a fast SSD as some magic game design differatior.
  15. Should fuck Sony over and make them go 400 hopefully.
  16. If Lockhart isn't announced in the next 3 months, it's cancelled imo. Also Sony's design seems to be made with a PS5 Pro in mind. It's easy to double 36 CUs counts. Plus the CPU has a clear upgrade path this gen unlike Jaguar down the line, making 60fps much more realistic.
  17. GPU ain't the issue. Portable RAM bandwidths are dogshit compared to stationary consoles. What's the point of a GPU that's bandwidth starved.
  18. The point is X had a very high end SSD if we're being real even noting PS5's spec. A year ago we could only dream of SSDs we were expecting HDDs FFS not monster SSDs. Dynamite is in for a dissapoint if he thinks 16 percent GPU advantage is some sort of being game changer.
  19. That's ain't even the issue. Switch is seeing YOU growth with very strong annual sales as base growth.
  20. If they are 500 they're going to of behind current gen sales at the start imo.
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