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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Like someone said it best. It's that time of the gen again, when consoles have magic tech no PC can match. When it's all just irrational hype.
  2. PS5 - More aggressive dynamic resolution scaling, faster loading. X - Less aggressive resolution scaling, longer loading.
  3. Honestly as soon as Sony shows Silent Hill and Demon's Souls all this shit doesn't matter.
  4. Well Sony only has an SSD advantage so the marketing has to spin the living fuck out of it. No SSD is making up for a weaker GPU or less RAM bandwidth and we all know it. Only upside is the difference between them is still small.
  5. Just saw the new @PlayStation #PS5 presentation. Great job @cerny ! Since I routinely have to explain to people why I'm excited for an SSD for rendering I thought I'd write a little thread to explain. Case in point: Uncharted 1 to Last of Us transition: It's a bit of a spin though to suggest X's SSD isn't fast enough for this though.
  6. Its a slip up like people assuming PS5 won't have RT hardware from the wired article. Cerny is really bad at this marketing thing, they should keep him locked up in a cage or something.
  7. Dev.. "What John is saying sounds pretty right to me! I don't want to down play GPU power, but I promise everybody that you will be absolutely blown away by visuals on both consoles. However, the SSDs are the big difference when coming into this gen. We're not talking about "load times" in the classic sense. That's an antiquated way of thinking about data coming from your hard drive. For the last 10+ years we've been streaming worlds on the fly. The problem is that our assets are absolutely huge now, as are our draw distances, and our hard drives can't keep up. It means that as you
  8. I think Sony went with 36 CUs due to BC and cheaper to produce. Everything else is just a spin of PR really. They got their full package. Next gen performance, cheaper BOM, and BC.
  9. Even the GitHub leak had a PS4 and Pro clockspeed setting. He's refering to the boost. Taking PS4 base 800mhz GPU to 2.2ghz could obviously cause issues, same for 1,6 to 3,5ghz CPU.
  10. The biggest difference is RAM bandwidth that PS5 has less off. Tflop and SSD are secondary compared to that. The systems are pretty much equal in real world terms but you will probably see something like 1900p Vs 2160p. So you'll get a lower ress and faster load times on PS5 in most third party games. MS still beat Sony if we are being real here. Question is price here. If Sony can get a 50-100 price win the specs are great.
  11. I still think their main question how do we make this APU perform as much as possible and cost as little as possible. So they went for a smaller cheaper APU and spent more on the cooling solution. They probably wanted to hit that 399, but probably can't now.
  12. The PS5 us actually a lot more ballsy in terms of design, consoles were always slow and wide. Exactly like X, and here they went with an insane 2.2ghz clock. Hopefully it pays off.
  13. Obviously outside of first party won't use the SSD beyond loading speed. Something like God of War though that switches between different epic scenes would benefit greatly. We really need to see how RT performs, with less CUs. That's actually the most important question ATM imo.
  14. I think the PS5 Pro is just going to be twice as many CUs. The clock is already so high there is nowhere to push it.
  15. Kurt Margenau ✔ @kurtmargenau Still tripping about this #PS5 SSD spec. Like, people don’t even know how big of a leap in terms of game design can be made, especially for 1st party that doesn’t have to design to lowest common denominator. By far the biggest leap in my career. Can’t wait. 1,324 08:41 - 19 Mar 2020
  16. Cerny's arguement is high clocks with less CUs to hit the same tflop gives higher performance because it makes other parts of the GPU operate faster. Then we hear about number of CUs and ray tracing. Something is really off.
  17. If that happens they fucked up. The SSD is nowhere near worth it.
  18. Honestly Cerny fucked up with the BC explanation. All PS4/Pro games are BC in legacy mode. It's just boost can cause issues in some games.
  19. What ever made them decide on 36 CUs at 2.2ghz is beyond me. It's a powerful next gen console, but it needs to be 50-100 cheaper than X.
  20. 8-9 Gbps SSD transfer rate is so insane, I really believe in it acting as "virtual ram" for scenes with controlled cameras speeds.
  21. So.PS5 is 100 BC. When Cerny was talking comparability he was talking about the boost mode. If you remember boost mode for Pro was added a year after since they were afraid to break games.
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