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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. There is an Anaconda logo, something MS denied was ever a codename. Further confirming Lockhart
  2. "Memory performance is asymmetrical - it's not something we could have done with the PC," explains Andrew Goossen "10 gigabytes of physical memory [runs at] 560GB/s. We call this GPU optimal memory. Six gigabytes [runs at] 336GB/s. We call this standard memory. GPU optimal and standard offer identical performance for CPU audio and file IO. The only hardware component that sees a difference in the GPU." In terms of how the memory is allocated, games get a total of 13.5GB in total, which encompasses all 10GB of GPU optimal memory and 3.5GB of standard memory. This leaves 2.5GB of GDDR6 memory
  3. The developers worked with Epic Games in getting UE4 operating on Series X, then simply upped all of the internal quality presets to the equivalent of PC's ultra, adding improved contact shadows and UE4's brand-new (software-based) ray traced screen-space global illumination. On top of that, Gears 5's cutscenes - running at 30fps on Xbox One X - were upped to a flawless 60fps. We'll be covering more on this soon, but there was one startling takeaway - we were shown benchmark results that, on this two-week-old, unoptimised port, already deliver very, very similar performance to an RTX 2080."
  4. The PS5 thirst is real. Everyone is just using X to predict PS5 specs and features lol. Come on Sony you suck. Give us info.
  5. I don't see Sony allowing any SSD in the PS5 that isn't their own tech and PS5 brand imo.
  6. So with the compression factor I read the amount of data it can handle in one second with the SSD is 6gbps.
  7. Crazy good this game looks. I'm just going to get it on PS4 I think.
  8. With GitHub debunked both systems are probably the same shit, looks like nothing will give either system a noticeable edge. I'm more interested in how PS5 will handle BC more than anything.
  9. 12 Vs 13 tflops is whatever, to trivial difference. If the SSD is twice as fast though that would be a big quality of life improvement, doubt it will mean much for game performance.
  10. "Some BC games" will get higher resolutions without patches. So we don't know how it works. Let's be real the only reason we want this feature on PS5 is Bloodborne first and foremost.
  11. They confirmed non X enchached games will get a BC resolution boost. That's impressive as fuck. Big question is if PS5 can do this... This would make remasters a bit pointless for many games.
  12. 13tflop PS5 makes me wonder how the system will look like... But CPU is supposed to be 3.2 not 3.6ghz.
  13. I don't trust this feature. For one simple reason. Even many devs can't get it right when they are making the game. Some auto feature will probably suck. I hope it doesn't, but I remain sceptical.
  14. Latest rumour at Neogaf was that PS5 has 52 CUs a few days ago. Anyways Github got fucked.
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