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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Team 2019 wins you cucks. If true let's hope they up the specs a bit or price lower... https://wccftech.com/ps5-xbox-series-x-or-both-may-be-delayed-due-to-covid-19-says-dfc/
  2. Sad part is all it had to do was deliver on the story.
  3. This is also suggests Kojima is making his own separate horror game?
  4. Apparently Bayo 3 is on the new engine, so is Babylon's Fall and the new Kamiya game
  5. I think PG aren't stupid. Falcon is also making their own engine and they are poor and tiny. There are probably some scenarios where a custom engine makes more sense than UE4. Honestly they know better than us when making this decision.
  6. Silent Hill is a strong brand. It had many well selling games, lost of nostalgia, many films. All it needs to explode is a new GOOD entry. It's way better than starting a new brand. Plus remakes are probably on the table.
  7. Switch will probably miss a few titles as they will probably have to focus on next gen.
  8. Siren team lead had been hinting it. So actually on the contrary.
  9. Last week, we learned from the Martha is Dead and Town of Light developer LKA that the PlayStation 5 will allow developers to use incredible Texel density. We worked a lot in order to use the highest-resolution textures as possible also on PS4; nonetheless, PlayStation 5 will allow us to use an incredible Texel density, up to 4096px/m – that means the visual will be fully detailed also in higher resolutions. It’s one of the most important advances in visual capacity that we were waiting for.
  10. According to this PS5 is 11.6tflops https://www.neogaf.com/threads/playstation-5-to-feature-11-tflops-gpu-with-52-cus-clocked-at-1743mhz-–-neogaf-insider-rumor.1530897/ 52 CUs 1743mhz. Didn't hit their 1.8 GHz target?
  11. Slight differences in LoD between Base and Pro consoles. - Resolution is the biggest difference between consoles. Visuals: - XBX: Targets full 4K with drops to horizontal res with lowest at 1920x2160 - Pro: Targets 2716x1528 with drops to horizontal access based on load - Core effects pipeline, motion blur etc are all the same otherwise. - Base PS4: Dynamic 1920x1080p with lowest drops to 960x1080 - Base XBO: Targets 900p with drops shown below that. Performance: - PS4 Pro smoothest all around with full V-Sync engaged and drops to mid 50's at worst case scenarios. - XBX u
  12. FPS VR sequel and RE2 style remake for the old ones. Perfect imo.
  13. Only competition for GOTY that I see is FF7.
  14. From RE insider. Awrsome apparently more than just one title. Siren Team is working on it. https://www.resetera.com/threads/rumor-sony-rebooting-silent-hill-series.174815/
  15. The GitHub leak is probably just a BC test mode. Nothing else.
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