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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Watch this run better on Switch. Also professional game reviewers don't own an X it seems.
  2. Well it is was new experimental technology. Nothing surprising if it gets phased out.
  3. Key issue is that it is a must have system. But it's also a side system.Thats what it boils down to.
  4. So RE8 next year with PSVR2. Then next gen only RE4 remake. Franchise is on fire after RE ORC, RE5/6
  5. I honestly don't know. What matters now is PS5 sales. PS4 is over. The bigger question is if they can keep the momentum going with PS5.
  6. Because PS4 is done. It has its last crop of games and then it's on to next gen which is 9 months away.
  7. I don't think that's how it works. The premium models are the ones that are sold at a higher profit / lower loss margins .
  8. Nemesis honestly seems like too much of a pain in the ass and will kill the enjoyment for me at least.
  9. I assume the Sony buys Remedy and MS buys Texhland rumour has some merit to it.
  10. Can't embed on phone. https://mobile.twitter.com/NISAmerica/status/1235565731900567553?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1235565731900567553&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231235565731900567553 Wtf though fun ass games. Where is the PS4 version for that Dpad. Meh. Same thing happened with Azure Gunvolt though they released on PS4 later.
  11. One thing about the PS5 9tflop leak that makes it suspect is this. 1. Sony has a CU disabling patent for BC, so 36 CU limit makes no sense. GitHub leak has no context. 2. The clock leak is way too high. It's expensive and very hot. 3. Insiders say to ignore it. 4. It has the same RAM bandwidth as the 12tflop Series X in theory. Question is why. MS talking about 12tflops already probably means they have some sort of win over the PS5 GPU but you never know.
  12. This thing is probably why Sony is waiting out. They'll be forced into 400 if they like it or not. Though if X is 600 which is possible PS5 might go 500. Internal MS documents say they expect a 3:1 sales ratio in favour of Lockhart.
  13. Well it can do ray tracing on top of having a new CPU and SSD as base. Resolution will obviously take a major hit and maybe a setting here or there. I don't think 95 percent of people can tell the difference between 1440p and 2160p, because we are approaching very high resolutions that require huge TVs and proper viewing distances. And even people that have the proper setups probably won't notice significant gains anyways.
  14. You can download all the games up on PSNow natively for PS4. Think of it as an alternative to PSN Plus.
  15. Series X 12tflops will yield around 15-16 tflops in PS4/One GPU performance. So yeah jump is impressive as fuck.
  16. I can't decide. Chrono Trigger UE4 style remake like this or Octopath engine remake.
  17. RDNA tflops. The tflop number will be different in real world performance . Ignore the tflop number. 9tflop RDNA outperforms 12gcn tflops if I understand correctly.
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