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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Sony can always pull an MGS Twin Snakes and own specific games not the IP.
  2. After Crash, Spyro, FF7. There is proof there is a sizable market for IP revivals on nostolgia.
  3. Bluepoint Games now at over 90 people, latest project "aims to define the visual benchmark for the next generation of gaming hardware"
  4. I mean this is an obvious give away. He's at Sony. https://mobile.twitter.com/adsk4/status/1213573816393203712 伊藤暢達/Masahiro Ito @adsk4 I'm working on a title as a core member. I hope the title won't be cancelled.
  5. MGS needs a remake-a-thon of the OG trilogy, and old MSX games. Silent Hill does as well. They can tackle the new stuff way way later.
  6. Plus it's Japan studios expanding, they really dont have many IPs that are big. This portfolio would be huge even if they start of just by remaking all the old games first.
  7. This would actually go really well with Sony revisiting PS1 franchise like with FF7. It's one of those no brainer decisions that should have been made a long time ago anyways.
  8. Honestly the MGS and SH franchises are HUGE if Konami sells them for a low price. If Sony is buying remedy, they can put them on MGS imo.
  9. Take it with a huge grain of salt obviously. But MGS and Sony rumours have been circulating for a year now. Plus Kojima is working on a horror game anyways.
  10. Very confident. A cross PS4/PS5 Demon Souls remake vs a PS5 only obviously would yield different results in everything. You're also once again ignoring the value of exclusives as is.
  11. This honestly is nothing more than damage control, we know that games designed with an SSD thats pushing 4gbps, new gen CPUs, huge RAM upgrade are not possible on current gen. End of story. To top that all off hardware needs exclusives. That's the natural order of a new gen, and MS sucking at this doesnt change anything. Or are you seriously going to tell me that Halo Infinite that has to run on an S would have the same complexity if it was developed for next-gen only?
  12. Actually it puts a PREMIUM on PS5 next-gen only exclusives, if Sony is the only one making them. Making the PS5 that much more valuable as a hardware purchase.
  13. I can't believe how Epic outplayed PUBG with what was an afterthought mode at first.
  14. It will be terrible though is PS5 and SEX don't have the same amount of RAM. That will be bad.
  15. https://www.bestseocompanies.com/generational-brand-loyalty/#Gaming_Affiliations Lord Sony
  16. Well he says Sony bought remedy behind the scenes. Wonder what they'll make it true.
  17. Also Techland makes sense there was a rumour MS was going shopping in Poland. The Call of Juarez series is fantastic.
  18. Sony had the best console 4 gens in a row. This won't be any different.
  19. 720p to 1080p is almost 2.5x the pixels. So even if the GPU is 3 times more powerful you're not going to go above 1080p.
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