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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. "Probably next month will be both the---presumably the Xbox and PlayStation events will not be too far behind one another, that would be my guess. So that'll probably both happen next month. I haven't heard much about what Microsoft's doing, so maybe they'll be quiet until E3. But a lot of Sony stuff next month for sure."
  2. There is no discourse. There is no concern. The whole setup is a god damn joke.
  3. Because third party games are on multiple platforms, and they are a non factor in what you get XBox or PS. They are played on both systems, so exclusives add extra value to the system. It's exclusives that dictate for many people the platform they will buy third parties on. It's that simple.
  4. What is this damage control? New hardware needs exclusives not only because they push the system beyond current gen limitations, but because it's natural people to WANT exclusives that aren't playable on other hardware. It's not just some scalability bullshit.
  5. Fuck off. No one wants a glorfied Pro/X out of a next-gen console. There is no fake concern, because people are skipping the thing in favour of PS5. People don't care enough to be "concerned" when they can just go with the competition that has real exclusives not on PC, and that aren't cross gen.
  6. Unkillable Mr X with a flamethrower and faster sounds like overkill.
  7. Even Crapgamer the biggest YouTube Xbox fanboy said he's waiting out and just playing everything on his X.
  8. Honestly to me it seems.Lockhart the lower model is still a maybe. Depends on the sales of the high end model and PS5 price.
  9. Yes indie crap at the expense of AAA single player games. What a deal.
  10. I assume they'll say they aren't attending E3 but will give a date of their own event today. The issue is if they don't give a god damn date for anything. EDIT: Zhuge said it's happening today, the announcement.
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