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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. You'll still get the exact same conference just at a Sony event. Who cares.
  2. Honestly Nintendo proved freaking directs work like a charm in this day and age.
  3. Can't wait for Halo MCC and Ori on PS4.
  4. Remij said that the Forza 7 or 8, I forgot the number would be a definite Series X launch exclusive when the rumours of this came out before Matt Booty confirmed it. So let's not pretend 1-2 years was something expected.
  5. Sony took out the camera to price the PS4 at $400, after the MS conference. They might have some variables they can change.
  6. Probably an event after, they want to hear wtf MS is doing pricewise.
  7. Experience PlayStationJanuary 14, 2020 - February 16, 202012:00pm to 7:00pm ESThttps://www.sony.com/square-nyc.html
  8. The teaser looked awesome, and honestly wish they didn't even show it. It feels like a huge cockblock.
  9. New VR controllers that are also BC. PSVR2 would be ideal, but that's a year after launch probably. Playstation tablet controller Of course Demon Souls and a god damn PS5 Bloodborne patch you assholes. I don't even give a fuck about the specs, if they are lower then if it's $400 its more than fine.
  10. You can argue scalability and settings all you want, but a console with no exclusives a year after launch, possibly even more is a god damn joke. You think anyone here from the PS5 side would be defending this bullshit? They'd say Sony sucks ass.
  11. X has almost double the usable RAM of Pro and Mordor is the only game that has "4K textures". Not even MS first party bothered with that shit. That's all you need to know. So.lemmimgs can go fuck themselves with "scalability" especially now that there are bigger differences between One and Series X. RAM, SSD, CPU. No wonder they are hyping nonsense like 120 FPS for the next Gears game.
  12. Console launches getting exclusives is bad now. Lemmings. I mean we're at the point where even arguing this stuff is a joke in itself.
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