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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Its possible they were always going for 36 CUs for PS4 BC, so they're taking a different approach to their design on the GPU front.
  2. Basically, Mr. Cerney (@cerny) customized PS5 APU very in depth to its throughput and legancy (and even a cache). Another word, re-writing the “Teraflop” equation: # of shaders * GPU Clock Speed * Instruction Per Clock (usually 2, but here it could be 3)/1000000= Teraflops So if this is true, the 36 CU @ 2ghz hits 13.8 tflops. So even downclocking from 2ghz would give a good number. Anyways we could be getting more than 2 instructions per clock throwing out the current math we have for the 36CU part.
  3. Not to bash Halo Infinite since it looks fine for a One game that's been in development for 4 years, but people were pretending there was something impressive about this.
  4. Triggers. Back buttons would be a godly addition for a standard controller. I can see a lot of good usage of it then, rather than just remapping old buttons.
  5. You can't bash MS for this decision because given their strategy it makes perfect sense. The issue is that Sony is acting like a real platform holder and biting the bullet and going for day 1 exclusive at the cost of software sales. Since hardware is key to them. Makes MS's effort obviously feel half hearted.
  6. Mr X was both great and bad at the same time, the issue he wasn't the threat. It was running into random enemies you haven't killed. You know he walks slower than you walk, nevermind run.
  7. This gen has been holding pretty well. By this time last gen we were hitting 600p at 20-25fps with screen tearing.
  8. I think something handheld is inevitable seeing the success of the Switch, and Japan is Sony's second biggest market. Obviously not a dedicated handheld.
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