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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. If it's not cross gen with One, at best I'd expect resolution and framerate options. No one is mandating 4K 60 for all games.
  2. Just expect uncapped games or ones with dynamic resolutions to hit their upper bounds. Expecting anything else for unpatched games is unrealistic. Spiderman for example jumps from 1440p to 2160p in rare scenarios. Expect it just to hit the upper bound if resolutions. Something like that.
  3. Cross gen aside get ready for 30fps to be the norm. Add ray tracing and a standard next gen feature and 60fps will be fairly rare.
  4. PS4 games will just use the CPU/GPU upclock for a boost mode and the SSD for instant load times. Maybe better AF. Those are realistic PS4 BC enhancement imo, and they are pretty damn good imo. Maybe some sharpening filter from AMD.
  5. Well what would a PS5 Pro look like? Probably the same thing as PS4 Pro. I'm talking down the line in 2023. If they had issues getting BC running on PS5, I'm sure they have a PS5 Pro roadmap in mind when making the 2020 PS5.
  6. Well the PS5 could easily be designed with the PS5 Pro in mind so they do the butterfly GPU shit for that and call it a day.
  7. I'd like to point out the test doesnt have VRS either. So maybe it's just a BC test model?
  8. There is no way PS5 has the same amount of RAM as PS4 and Xxsex has the same amount of RAM a X.
  9. There were two revisions of PS5. Ariel and Oberon from the test. Both are 36CUs. I find no reason to believe they are going to revise the CU count, so 399 seems like their initial goal from the start.
  10. Am I the only one who legitimately forgets Stadia even exists, until an article pops up. Then I forget again.
  11. I wonder if Lockhart is still just under consideration or they are going through with it 100 percent.
  12. It flopped harder than I ever expected. Not that this thing will be missed. Also you are right there seem to be zero new game announcements, but I didn't notice since I forgot this thing exists.
  13. At the end of the day an engine is only a means to an end really. But I don't think From will make a competitive engine with UE4 especially when early next gen rolls in. Elden Ring will be an interesting cross gen showcase.
  14. Miyazaki said their PSVR game was a them learning the UE4 engine for future game use. It's in an old interview.
  15. Apparently Sekiro is that last From engine game and they are switching to UE4.
  16. Are they even a good fit for MS's cooperate culture. It's possible but just highly unlikely.
  17. It's not a logical choice for Platinum if they can't release on other platforms.
  18. Red Dead Redemption 2 listed for Nintendo SWITCH https://nintendosmash.com/red-dead-redemption-2-has-been-listed-for-nintendo-switch/
  19. ND lost the Sony first party graphics crown to Guerilla imo. I still think Horizon is the best looking game this gen, and will end the gen as graphics king crown imo. FF7 so far seems to be damn mind blowing.
  20. Speaking of PS5 specifically I think there are too many advantages for designing for one headset and one standard control scheme. Want options? Go PC. Plus PC headsets have many variables and are higher end by nature. Not a good PS5 fit. Maybe XBox. Sure. Since they have no native MS solution.
  21. Whatever the PS5 is, we can already guess what the PS5 Pro will be. It will probably like the PS4 Pro. A butterfly design of the PS5 APU with a slight upclock. So let's assume PS5 is 36CUs and 2ghz. Pro will be double that 72CUs at like 2ghz+
  22. Nintendo revealed Astral Chain like 5 months before release. So they're cool like that. It can easily be released in the next 6 months after a direct early this year.
  23. Too much fractioning for a console imo and they have their own headset to sell.
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