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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. And then Lockhart happened which will be 2/3rd of the XBox sales next gen. I don't think MS cares enough for VR since they don't make VR games.
  2. It like making Dualshock 5 work standard with PC. It's a logical that costs nothing and has endless benefits. They make a shitload off controller sales, why not VR since it even helps their VR platform on PS5.
  3. My faves last gen were. 1. Dark Souls 2. TLOU 3. Nier Will be weird if my top 3 games this gen are 1. Bloodborne 2. Nier Automata 3. TLOU2 Let's hope FF7 delivers.
  4. I go there to meet women always walk away with a number. Need a new one each time since my corpse collection is still lacking.
  5. I've expressed this position multiple times for VR. Easy porting and better hardware sales for VR.
  6. This is an impressive RT video. Imagine Horizon 2 or God of War 2.
  7. Waiting for the final game and skipping reviews. But cool non the less.
  8. Me at the English club. https://m.vk.com/photo-180393476_457239052?list=wall-180393476_41&from=profile&z=photo-180393476_457239052%2Fwall-180393476_41
  9. Also according to the leak it's likely the PS5 APU doesn't feature ray tracing and has a separate dedicated chip for it. So very different RT between the two
  10. Going for mass market price is not fucking up. It's a mass market console with one model. It's still a hell of a deal hardware wise if it's 400. I'd rather the console sell and have good support rather than have a low sales uptake.
  11. 36 CUs, I think is locked in stone unless this is an early model for BC testing and stuff. So clockspeed is key now. X has 56 CUs. Or their 2019 launch cancelled model. Which I doubt is true since that would be too high end for a 2019 launch GPU imo. A high end 2019 Navi GPU in a 400 2020 console sounds very rational.
  12. This is 36 CUs. X is like 60 or something. This is clearly cheaper.
  13. RAM setup will also be interesting if PS5 isn't using GDDR6.
  14. This is pointing to a 100 dollar difference. 400 Vs 500. We assumed both were going for 500 when we were talking matched specs.
  15. Nothing wrong with Sony going for one 400 dollar system. It's either this or 500. Pick your poison. Edit: apparently the leak is legit but the specs are outdated.
  16. What a boss. Scum like this needs to be terminated without the right to a trial.
  17. Obviously full precision fp32. The X has a 6 tflop GCN GPU FFS.
  18. PS4 had a GPU that cost like 100 bucks at launch retail if I remember. We're supposed to be getting something much more powerful than any current Navi out now and it's a lot more expensive. Its kinda hard to add everything up into a rational price.
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