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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The tflop bullshit with X is throwing shit off. We don't know if it's 12rdna tflops. We need hard numbers.
  2. 10tflop is fine if it's 400. If it's 500. No.
  3. Nah it's over 10. That's been confirmed. 10 is very possible however.
  4. The back of the controller is where things get a little more interesting. The patent contains potential designs for the new controller — though they aren’t final — that include two new buttons. The new buttons appear to be programmable to perform the functions of other buttons on the controller, so you could have them do the same thing as the circle or square buttons if you wanted. https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2019/12/27/21039289/sony-new-playstation-controller-back-triggers-ps5-ps4 Nice one Sony. Not a bad decision for the stand
  5. There is still time. Perm ban bet is a go go?
  6. Forgot who was debating speeds for the SSDs. According to DF. SSD speed40x XB1 HDD 40MB/s: 1.6GB/s speed40x XB1X HDD 60MB/s: 2.4GB/s speed
  7. I can't believe they are actually bragging about this. 9 months ago we were questioning if a Vega64 was going to happen power wise.
  8. Christmas is on the 7th January for me. But Merry Christmas!
  9. The HMB2/DDR4 rumour is interesting with two memory pools. The PS4 has 176gbps RAM bandwidth and CPU drops that to around 120. I separate pool so the CPU doesn't eat away at the GPU bandwidth is fairly interesting in theory.
  10. Apparently PS5 has a different memory setup. Will be interesting how the performance difference plays out there. It might be the bigger difference between the two than GPU.
  11. Who the fuck does. Smoke a joint or something.
  12. I think the post mortem said 40-60mbps is the speed of console HDDs if I remember correctly. They had to design for 20 to account for external one HDDs.
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