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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Does the benchmark show VRAM load, CPU load, settings, framerate etc. What the fuck does that random number at the end even fucking mean.
  2. NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 9, 2019-- 2K today announced the founding of Cloud Chamber™, the newest, wholly owned game development studio under the Company’s publishing label. A collective of storytellers eager to push the frontlines of interactive entertainment by making unique, entertaining and thoughtful experiences that engage the world, Cloud Chamber will build its team at two locations: 2K’s San Francisco Bay Area headquarters in Novato, Calif., as well as in Montréal, Québec, which marks the first-ever Canadian office for a 2K studio. In addition, 2K announced that Cloud Chamber has
  3. https://uk.ign.com/articles/2019/12/09/new-bioshock-game-confirmed-being-developed-by-new-developer-cloud-chamber Some new unnamed developer.
  4. https://mobile.twitter.com/DeathComeTrue/status/1203949178373541888?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1203949178373541888&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231203949178373541888 Art in link.
  5. Lemmings praying so hard. Sony isn't porting their WWS games to PC and Steam, they aren't releasing a 1080p PS5, they ain't releasing a digital only PS4 or PS5. They aren't porting games to Switch and allowing a PSN sign in on XBox and Switch. The fail and suckage is XBox exclusive
  6. Yeah Sony gave cross play to COD, and allows XBox Live sign on PSN after signing a memorandum on cooperation with MS with Azure for PSNow. Don't read into it. It's obviously nothing.
  7. Just to remind you Minecraft doesn't have an X or Pro patch and the graphics update thing got cancelled.
  8. Like they made Nintendo Thier bitch with Ori, Cyphead, Hellblad and Outer Worlds.
  9. This news is MUCH bigger than just Minecraft. Nobody thought Sony would allow XBox Live logins anytime soon. This going to bear a lot more fruit than just Minecraft.
  10. The fucking devs themselves said MS allowed them to release on Switch, and now they would like to release on PS4/PS5 if possible... Which in MS's case it means it's probably already greenlit. State of Play will be fun if Sony starts with "With our friends at Microsoft"
  11. XBox Live login and cross play was literally the last barrier between MS releasing games on PlayStation. It's now a question of when, not if. TCHBR. Ori, Cuphead here we come.
  12. DF is excited about DS port because we can finally do a comparison of 4K native Vs Sony first party 4K CB comparison. Also if the PC version has a checkerboard option they can do a comparison of CB 30fps Vs 60fps and compare how doubling the the framerate sample size for reconstruction will affect the technique's visual quality. They said that in a video.
  13. This would make sense if they made most of their profits from game sales. Not their wall gardened PSN sales though. They literally sit on their ass and get a 30 percent cut from GTA, COD, FIFA etc nevermind PSN subs
  14. We need to define buyers though. For the high spender that buys consoles at launch, and the 30 million consumer users that buy like 70 percent of all software the PC is a competing platform. If I remember correctly PS4 versions of multiplats started to outsell the PS3 versions only 6 months after launch, which is the consumer that's most valuable. So number totals of hardware aren't that important in this day and age. The consumer that buys a 200 PS4 with a 3 game deal on BF obviously isn't affected by PC or the retard that gets a 100e XBox SAD on BF. But these guys basicall
  15. I believe the appeal of not needing to buy hardware for a game and waiting it out, will be the default scenario for the majority. Rather than wow I liked this game on PC, I'll get a PS5 for the sequel.
  16. One of the reasons Sony released the Pro was to slow the outflow of high paying customers to PC as hardware ages. The damage to the lose of hardware sales , sub numbers, royalty on third party games sales like cod etc would be absolutely brutal for a shit cut on steam were they don't even get the benefit of the full game sale. Something like DS or Quantic Dream is fine since these are partnership games. Sony's worldwide studios? It's suicide.
  17. I was providing an example of how casuals would think. Since we are in a port rumour thread, Halo MCC is actually one of the more logical ports given mS's current Switch strategy and Steam sales of MCC. Plus insiders that leaked Ori and Cuphead suggest its happening. Horizon PC would be a brutal mistake on Sony"s part. Good luck with that PS5 Horizon 2 reveal without a lot of people just holding out for ALL PS5 games on Steam/EGS, not just Horizon 2.
  18. What the hell are those numbers supposed to even mean. Where are the framerate results?
  19. I got level 3-4 weapons and I just cut through everything like butter. The story and writing is borderline is embarrassing. How come killing one freaked was such an issue with guns and now I can make through like 20 of them with no issue. The world is empty and all the random events are pointless. It's pretty much a fast travel from point A to B game with an open world that serves no purpose. The missions, level design, has no thought put into it whatsoever. Honestly Days Gone is kinda embarassingly designed in the same year the Division 2 came out. If put up aga
  20. It will hurt the hardware business, because this is not how casuals think. Most low information buyers that are 95 percent of the population will assume Halo Infinite is coming to Switch even if it's just Halo MCC is released on it. Same principle applies to Sony first party.
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