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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Well I prefer that scenario as well. The Phil tweet from yesterday talking about getting Scarlett unit could be him addressing the rumours that are out now in subtle way. But you got to admit if this thing can be 200 dollars cheaper than the high end model with all the downscaling of hardware, no drive, higher profits due to digital sales over physical. It's a hell of an argument for its existence. Plus they could easily market this to low information consumers, one called XBox 720 and the other XBox 720 digital. And the casuals assume both are the same power.
  2. Lockhart and Anaconda is getting annoying because the setup has validity in its logic. It can't be debunked as a stupid fake, but at the same time there are multiple reasons why it not happening makes sense. This rumour is no man's land because both sides can be right
  3. If PS5 unviel is February, assuming it happens. When does MS reveal? Honestly we had Dev documentation for PS4 for like 7 months before it's unviel. It's getting fucking lame.
  4. I'm pretty sure they aren't idiots and the specs will allow for competent scaling. But as always there will be devs half assing it by choosing the wrong resolutions, settings and it won't scale ideally, but both versions will be competent enough for the most part. Anyways I don't like the sound of the thing tbh not for the graphics aspect, but because it will outsell the disc model like 3:1 and the physical market on XBox will be pretty much dead, as if gamepass alone wasn't hurting it.
  5. Also ray tracing on a 4tflop Navi GPU. 520p incoming? Even the high end models have me sceptical on ray tracing.
  6. The sources say it's coming in 2021, only the high end model is launching. I'm still on the fence that this thing will happen, I think they are considering it if it's real. Maybe it's existence will be determined by the high end model sales? Something sounds off about the whole thing, it makes sense on one hand on the other, it doesn't.
  7. Phil Spencer @XboxP3 And it’s started….this week I brought my Project Scarlett console home and it's become my primary console, playing my games, connecting to the community and yes, using my Elite Series 2 controller, having a blast. Great work by the team, 2020 is going to be an incredible year. 1:28 am · 5 Dec 2019
  8. Kotaku says it has been informed by its sources that the lack of communication around next-generation consoles is also somewhat related to Microsoft and Sony's expectation of what Google would do. The site goes on to say that the two companies were "terrified of Google's entry into video games" when they learned in 2018 that the company was preparing something big. Jason Schreier says he was told by workers at several studios that PlayStation and Xbox employees often talked about Google's plans and what their response to streaming and Stadia would be. Now, after the troubled launch of
  9. I mean most people just beat or are playing Death Stranding, and pretty much everyone will agree the directing and acting are anything but a joke.
  10. https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/p/vanquish/9n15cb2jx4vz?activetab=pivot:overviewtab Nice.
  11. Remember when Sony released a discless PS4? Or that time they were planning a 1080p PS5? Don't remember that?
  12. "Sources say that Lockhart will get a next-gen CPU, but that it will be clocked slower than what’s available on Anaconda. " Yeah cutback RAM and CPU. This is going to be beautiful when it's the base development model for first party.
  13. "Microsoft’s Anaconda console will be the true next-gen leap, and sources tell The Verge that Microsoft is targeting more than 10 teraflops of graphical power on this particular console. Plans for Lockhart may change, but currently this console will debut with around 4 teraflops of graphical power. "
  14. So yeah this is what they'll shove into XCloud it seems, the Lockhart model. So originally cancelled then revived.
  15. You're stillt trying to damage control MS going third party Dell kid.
  16. It's apparently not a discless Scarlett but a lower, weaker model. "When speaking to Kotaku, one game developer briefed on Lockhart analogized it to the PlayStation 4 Pro in terms of raw graphical power, although there are other key differences that might make up for that. Lockhart is said to have a solid-state drive, like both Anaconda and Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 5, which is expected to have a significant impact on loading times. Developers briefed on Lockhart also say it has a faster CPU than any current video game console, which could allow for higher frame-rates, although t
  17. Nintendo literally released dockable Vita, PlayStation TV hybrid and sheep are calling out originaliry.
  18. Imagine Tower of Latria with ray tracing. Also let's be real on PlayStation this is the most requested remake now that FF7 is coming out in 3 months.
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