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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/Qwik/status/1200866426241683457?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1200866426241683457&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231200866426241683457
  2. Beat the game and I literally ziplined all the cities and stations together, I don't need to walk. I can literally travel from any side of the map to any place without even stepping out he ground. Feels almost broken lol. It's also cool that this game will probably never have a sequel.
  3. Sony is investing in PSnow because they can't neglect such a branch of technology, PS5 is the priority. I don't even think they believe PSnow will ever surpass their hardware business but they have to future proof all possible scenarios.
  4. This is bad news for PsNow and PS5. Cause this is probably how it will perform
  5. Is it safe to presume that these are final? Leak the specs assholes.
  6. Pressure Mounts for Xbox’s Missing VR Strategy as PSVR Revenue Nears $2 Billion https://www.roadtovr.com/xbox-one-x-vr-missing-strategy-playstation-vr-psvr-revenue/ Yeah because MS's inside XBox that focus on anything but XBox aren't a signal.
  7. Correctly me if I'm wrong your connection can be 1000GB/ps yet latency will still b a thing.
  8. On the surface, xCloud and Stadia are two functional cloud gaming services that offer different types of experiences. As it stands, xCloud is for Android owners and Microsoft fans, while Stadia is for folks with high data allowances who want to play gaming's greatest hits on 4K TVs. The biggest hurdle for either service lies in messaging. The Stadia launch has been largely underwhelming because Google promised too much, too soon. Saying all games would play at 4K and 60fps only set players up for disappointment when their favorite titles played in upscaled 4K instead. Streaming a game as va
  9. I wouldn't be so sure about PS5 having a weak launch line up. Sony apparently moved some PS4 games to PS5. We'll se the exclusive line up might suck .
  10. Days Gone patch this November. Sometimes not playing a game at launch is the better choice. Not always. FFXV didn't have a drivable car for fucks same, then they added so much shit. I regret playing FFXV at launch cause it was an unfinished piece of shit. They were adding main story cutscenes 9 months AFTER release. "Days Gone Patch 1.60 Notes (Reset Hordes, Ambush Camps, and Infestation Zones, Death Stranding Bike Tanks and Decals,UI High,Contrast Color Mode)"
  11. Dude said this better than me, I think XBox games on PC is going to hurt Scarlett big time. If PlayStation is losing people to PC over the gen, imagine XBOX when it comes to the big spenders and hardcore. Not the pops and mom's that buy this shit on black Friday. "Andrew House stated back in 2016 that the Pro was created because back around 2009-2010, they noticed an exodus of high-spending hardcore gamers to the PC, and expected the same thing to happen adorns 2016-2017. They needed to create a more powerful upgrade console to convince those people to stick around in the PlayStati
  12. Ohh noes a Ubisoft Watchdogs game when the last 2 sucked, a fucking boring ass flight simulator and a glorified Overwatch 2 expansion.
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/DanDawkins/status/1191120369144471555?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1191120369144471555&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231191120369144471555 It needs it more than Demon's Souls.
  14. Watch Dogs Legion Marvel's Avengers Flight Simulator Overwatch 2  Completely skippable.
  15. PS4/One launched in 2013, and by Q4 2014 the PS4/One versions were outselling the PS360 versions 2:1 with a fraction of the userbase. The battle isn't really to the top 100 million, it's who gets the 30-40 million most active users that buy like 80% of all the shit released. It's why securing the hardcore is absolutely crucial. Those people buying $150 XBox and $200 PS4 BF bundles barely buy anything long term or on a consistent basis. One SW memeber probably spends 20x the average person spends on gaming a year if not more.
  16. The latest Sony an Phil comments suggest both might be 399. Phil said Scarlett will be price ompetitive, and Jim Ryan said they want the PS5 to be their fastest selling console. 399 sounds realistic now more than before.
  17. Devs like Falcom, Nippon Ichi etc are just going to keep making PS4 versions till the end of time, since PS5 is BC anyways. These guys kept on making freaking Vita games, I don't see how they will switch to Switch. All their games are also on PC now.
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