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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Devs like Falcom, Nippon Ichi etc are just going to keep making PS4 versions till the end of time, since PS5 is BC anyways. These guys kept on making freaking Vita games, I don't see how they will switch to Switch. All their games are also on PC now.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but all consoles since the PS2 have sold meh in Japan. The the PS2 launched 20 years ago, it's been a handheld market ever since PSP/DS days in 2006.
  3. I'm a bit concerned that by "making more games" MS is going to go for AA cross gen game pass fodder. I just hate the game pass business model were AA quantity matters more than rare AAA quality. Sony doing day 1 PSN sub releases would also result in a nightmare scenario for AAA single player games.
  4. You got a base PS4. It's going to be an insane upgrade for everything, BC games, cross gen games. You've got a lot more reason to upgrade than a Pro user imo. So yeah there will be exclusives, but just the hardware side alone is tempting.
  5. They started the gen coming off the 360, One was selling faster than the 360 initially. So objectively they started off better than the 360, but are ending much worse by the end. So it's very debatable, since next gen isn't a fresh restart, and we could just see both carry on the current momentum.
  6. Fallout 3 would have the worst ending of any AAA game last gen easily if Fable 2 did take the award.
  7. Bayo 2 was too short and too many scripted boss battles to make it replacable imo. Evil Within and Dark Souls 2 were awesome in replayability.
  8. Haven't played Outer World's but Death Stranding deserves GOTY over RE2 and Sekiro. No question about it. It's such a unique feeling of new and discovery I haven't felt since the original Demon Souls. It gives that PS1/PS2 era feeling of when genres were being made and introduced. It's like playing MGS1, RE1, DMC1 or Silent Hill for the first time, completely new experiences not done before at the time.
  9. Evil Within Dark Souls 2. Both better than Bayonetta 2 imo. But Bayonetta 2 is still amazing.
  10. Didn't God of War, Spiderman and TLOU top Halo 3 MS's best selling game ever? We aren't talking Halo/Gears now, these games topped them in their prime years.
  11. I wonder how many people will stick around for a 10 dollar sub permanently after the discounts stop Vs subbing for one big game and then cancelling. Too bad MS will never give the data and numbers.
  12. We're also in an interesting timeline compared to the PS360 era. God of War is a bigger franchise than Halo today, which is insane. Uncharted nevermind TLOU is a bigger franchise than Gears. Spiderman is bigger than any XBox franchise as well. Horizon is also huge now Vs Killzone sales. It's bigger than Gears now. In the PS2/PS3 era Sony had nothing that could measure upto Halo first party wise and even Gears saleswise.
  13. The biggest game pass defenders seem to be PC gamers on forums since they get them for 1 dollar and don't have to get an XBox lol. I'd be happy if I was a PC gamer and could get God Of War on PC day 1 on Steam as well. Say what you want about One, but people bought it regardless assuming that they would get a console for 6-7 years with a library of exclusives. There was value in that. Plus MS is sticking to cross gen for the foreseeable future which is a weakness compared to Sony.
  14. The games are launching in 3-4 months and next gen is less than a year away. You seriously suggesting TLOU2, Ghosts won't have PS5 patches as Sony first party or FF7?
  15. Last gen Sony really started to build good will with the brand from 2009-2013 which really helped them with the PS4 launch. They focused on exclusives, finally started to build one of the strongest first parties. I remember the arguements of the era saying that exclusives are merely fanboy fodder, and that its purely multiplats like COD, Fifa, Madden etc that sell consoles. We've seen a complete 180 on this position in the gaming community this gen. There seem to be two opinion on MS. 1. They're building good will with game pass, X (Seems most people forgot this
  16. PS4 Pro can suck a dick. FF7, TLOU2, Cyberpunk and Ghost of Tsushima are getting played on a PS5. As well as Control and Outer World's from this year. I think I might sell my Switch to fund my PS5 and games. Then get one after when I clear my backlog and Metroid/Bayo 3 are out.
  17. Apparently you're playing a level in a game, and you can basically look a video walkthrough of the level and part directly from your PS5 without searching. Nice time saver.
  18. Matt said that XBox console hardware can't be guaranteed past Scarlett. PS6 is going to happen. There might not be a gen after this for MS depending on how XCloud and Scarlett sell.
  19. Its worse than Bloodborne and even Dark Souls 3. So no.
  20. We also have a 5G tablet/handheld patent, if that means anything, if it can be used in VR.
  21. Death Stranding is SO SO good and addictive, I fucking love it. I'm shocked how good it is, been burning out for 10 hours playing this. Honestly if it gets only better I can't see how this is not GOTY. I was sceptical of the gameplay, but its awesome.
  22. Remij is more upto speed with this, but from what I understand wireless is not an issue at all. Nevermind when PSVR2 launches, though they could make the wireless part optional to keep price down. Sony has PSVR patents for everything from controllers, to gloves, to wireless etc.
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