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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. There is a big assumption that cause Stadia sucks Xcloud and PSnow will take off. Obviously they won't fail but there is a shitload to prove.
  2. Does this mean we will get Dualshock button prompts? That would be crazy good.
  3. I thought PC support was guaranteed. Whats the surprise?
  4. Obsidian will be interesting, I suspect an isometric WRPG. Rare though, who gives a fuck.
  5. - The achievements system won't have a UI at launch, but it will still capture achievement so you can see them when a UI is available. - Only the Founder's Edition Chromecast Ultra will support Stadia on launch day. Existing Chromecasts won't - Family Sharing is not available at launch. Recommended to just buy a second version of a $60 game on your account for a kid or other family member to play with, and then eventually be able to share it - Stadia on iOS will arrive eventually - Apparently, you need your phone to buy games for Stadia, implying that there's no web UI currently - St
  6. Stadia Reddit AMA: Stadia's Achievements will not have UI at launch; Family Sharing not at launch either
  7. Google Stadia launch dev: Game makers are worried “Google is just going to cancel it” https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/11/stadia-launch-dev-the-biggest-concern-with-stadia-is-that-it-might-not-exist/
  8. First Shenmue is trash. Second one is great. You can't compare the two quality wise.
  9. https://www.cryengine.com/marketplace/product/neon-noir#
  10. Only possible on Stadia hardware with multiple GPUs!
  11. DMC was originally planned as RE4 and then turned into a new franchise. It was.inspored by a bug in the development of Onimusha that allowed you to juggle enemies. Just a history lesson.
  12. Cool, old games for 60 dollars when you can get them for 15 bucks on PS4.
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