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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Damn this game looks good, PS5 patch. Wonder if it will update the lighting and stuff.
  2. All those Hollywood actors aren't free
  3. Trading in a few Switch games I'll never replay for this day 1.
  4. Jak, Sly and Rather deserve some good treatment.
  5. Some could be remasters, some could be remakes. I think the remasters are a good cross gen fit.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/bluepointgames/status/1190010197315641344?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1190010197315641344&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fs9e.github.io%2Fiframe%2F2%2Ftwitter.min.html%231190010197315641344 It's clearly Demon Souls. Also they are remaking TWO games?
  7. I don't think DS or PS2 sales are possible anymore simply due to gene cutting off much faster, and systems not having legs.
  8. I'd say if things keep going the way they are, Scarlett is actually in a worse starting position than One. The momentum and brand are in the dumpster, the 360 inertia saved the One. Like the PS2 inertia saved the PS3 for going Sega Saturn. The first 3 years were a disaster for PS3, before the Slim Uncharted 2, Demon Souls and MGs4 there was literally no reason to buy a PS3.
  9. If only online play was free like PS3 it's just be 10/10.
  10. Should have ememade fucking Ape Escape games not this trash.
  11. The X has lost or matched multiple Pro games. That's just a BAD showing for more powerful hardware, period. When was the last time the S best the PS4? I can't even recall an instant.
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