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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The XBox's problem is not price. It the value of the console. They can give it away with poptarts, increase value with actual fucking exclusives.
  2. This honestly makes Uncharted 1 feel like a 10/10. What a god damn waste.
  3. It's coming to everything. But question is if there will be a boxed version.
  4. Outer Worlds PS4 on a disc and in a box for me.
  5. PS4 is easily a runner up against the PS2 as best console ever made.
  6. So Halo Infinite and Gears 5 are basically moneypit ads for Game Pass. The one thing you can expect MS to do, which was obvious anyways, is to focus on AA budget games hoping one is a hit. No one is wasting huge budgets on this shit service.
  7. PS1 - Plenty of cool exclusives, but you needed a PC for the "real stuff" like Baldur's Gate, Fallout, Unreal, Half Life etc PS2 - Arguably one of the best consoles of all time, but still there was stuff to be had on other consoles, and PC. Multiplats were junk etc. PS3 - After 2009 it was a viable multiplat choice, with great exclusives. Still shit ran poorly at like 600p 30fps with screen tearing etc. PS4 honestly feels like the first "Complete" Playstation. It has exclusives, it has insane indie support, it has cross play with MMOs like FFXIV, PC etc. The Japane
  8. I'll wait for the PS5 complete edition. Also this is an official sequel that takes 6 months after the original.
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