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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. I had to put “hands-on” in quotation because, even though I got to control Norman Reedus, the game gave me such anxiety that I quickly had to hand over the controller to my friend. I felt much safer just being a spectator; here is why. Yep, Death Stranding gave me nightmares! Never in my 20-something years of gaming have I ever felt so hopeless and lost while playing a videogame. And it has nothing to do with the game mechanics, but the world itself. Death Stranding’s environments are nightmare inducing. The world of Death Stranding is indeed a strange one. Imagine this:
  2. I'm talking about the actual acceleration hardware, it seems to be limited to specific types of RT calculations.
  3. The reality is that in the next decade the majority will probably use PSnow when it hits prime time in 2021 with PS5 server racks and 4K streaming. Also people will choose PSnow as alternative to Plus as a getaway to the online pay wall. I don't remember something like 7 million use PS4 remote play. The majority of cloud streamers will be hardware owners in the foreseeable future, even Phil said he expects XCloud to be used mostly by existing XBox owners and PC people as a side thing. Stadia doesn't have magic data centers that Sony and MS can't match.
  4. Well they are technically talking about the stream ability here, the consumer peons don't really need to know the details. I don't think the average forum posters understand how clueless consumers are. I've known people upgrade from base One to an S, thinking it plays all games in 4K due to the 4K Bli Ray drive marketing. Yes people are THAT stupid. Also seen people think all old games on Pro/X play in 4K.
  5. Sony will probably lose around 100 dollars on launch units, and PC parts have a built in premium. These consoles are going to be a fantastic bang for the buck especially early on in the gen.
  6. Sony's latest PS5 details: the Digital Foundry analysis "There's welcome confirmation of hardware-accelerated ray tracing features in the PS5 graphics core, along with an example from EA chief studio officer Laura Miele of how the technique may be deployed - specifically in calculating more realistic ambient occlusion and ray-traced shadows. We've seen these features in some of the Nvidia RTX-supported titles on PC and as a first step into real-time hardware ray tracing, it may not match up to what we're seeing in PC games like Control, but as with any console, expect to see developers get
  7. It's PR bullshit. It's not going to use multiple GPUs and what not for the cheap ass audience that pays 10 bucks a month. Only because it can do it, doesn't mean it will happen. It makes no financial sense.
  8. That's what AMD slides show. RT acceleration cores are out of question, they take too much GPU die space, produce a shitload of heat, and eat up into the power budget. We're probably looking at something like the ID Buffer in Pro, which helps in limited RT calculations for shadows and lighting. What does this mean? Less work for developers and complete elimination of shadow pop up. Naughty Dog developer posted about RT accelerated shadows, and that seems to align perfectly with this. But that's about it. Is there any reason to believe that it be any more com
  9. Stadia, next gen PSNow and XCloud are in the "good enough category" for people that don't want to invest into hardware. Just consider the target audience, for some it's more than enough. Dedicated hardware will always be superior, the question is how much better it will be in time.
  10. It's a console with an extra step, its physically impossible unless information travels back and forth at the speed of light between your TV and the data center. Also does Stadia support variable refresh rates like next gen? Also artifacts and crashed blacks are inevitable just like any image stream for the foreseeable future.
  11. Stadia will probably end up weaker than next gen by a noticeable difference as well. Like One to PS4 level difference is more than realistic.
  12. PS5s SSD is soldered to the motherboard and has GPU decompression and didn't have to go through an interface like PC. It can easily go upto 7gbps in the absolute worst scenario, upto 16gbps at best. It can fill ALL the RAM in 2 seconds max, nevermind actually streaming
  13. Wonder how expensive this will be with wireless and battery. But with PS5 hardware and PSVR2 we are going to get an insane experience.
  14. Yesterday's PS5 article is trending number one worldwide. The whole world is thirsty for PS5.
  15. The bigger key is momentum going into next gen, rather than total sales. PS2 total sales did shit for PS3 until they made the system good in 2009 with Slim and games.
  16. PS5 will be a beast in 2020, when hardware starts to get dated, you can get a PS5 Pro by 2023, which will also be beastly for 2023. Exactly like a PC, feel free to upgrade if you want, if you don't, you don't have to. The end.
  17. Worse than what? Remij's $1200 GPU? PS5 is going to annihalate the average PC's gamers setup up for 3 years easily. That's where the PS5 Pro comes in later.
  18. I know you're fairly clueless, but have you seen the RAM requirements for games from 2014-2019 on PC? They are all built around console's 8 gigs of RAM. Nowdays even RAM in videocards isn't that important. Actually RAM itself is no longer that important overall.
  19. No one ever said that, resolution and framerate are a development choice. Nowdays you can even choose between 60 and 30fps in games by design. Speaking of which, PS4 has held up 1080p in like 95% of games coming out today.
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