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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-10-04-ninjas-move-to-mixer-fails-to-driver-viewership 50 million well spent on Ninja.
  2. Limited Print of game coming to PS4 and Switch. https://limitedrungames.com/collections/neo-frontpage/products/limited-run-296-blazing-chrome-ps4-preorder
  3. He promised to reveiw it when he hits 100k subs, jesus christ this is long.
  4. Liking Dickriders 3 plays nothing like the previous two.
  5. I agree. But Navi current die size and heat seems to suggest around 9tflops.
  6. It's borderline bad, also the visuals suck.
  7. Kleegamefan said he heard both are targeting double digit tflops. So that's a huge upgrade at the very least.
  8. Remember when House and Tretton left the brand and people were saying Shawn Laden would sink the brand?
  9. Why it's the most healthy nutrient rich fat. Alongside with pork fat.
  10. PSnow has old games. Plus has hobo games. Only reason to pay for either is the online pay wall for me. Streaming still seems pretty useless to me.
  11. Didn't portal 2 require a steam account on PS3 for PC cross play? An MS account could be possible with maybe some limitations. We'll see.
  12. Fuck minecraft. Division 2 cross with XBix would be nice. But fuck PC with its aimbots and wallhacks.
  13. I thought cross play stats overall are pretty abysmal. It is however a nice feature imo, my friends are PC gamers. Especially for games with small communities.
  14. It's a fairly unimportant feature that they just want to avoid negative PR for at this point.
  15. My friend is a gym bro, I started going to the gym he taught me everything.
  16. "The track record of the incumbent platform winning the next time around is not a great one," Jim Ryan says. "So the major thrust of my executive energy is to avoid complacency."
  17. For those that care. "Which makes growth the magic word—and which is why PlayStation Now improvements aren't even the only move Sony is making, despite handily winning the sales battle this console generation. While it's not announcing the news explicitly, the PS4's cross-play efforts have officially moved out of the beta stage, meaning that the console can support cross-play on any titles that studios provide the functionality for. This month's Modern Warfare may be the first major title to take advantage of it at launch, and likely won't be the last. "The track record of the incu
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